Outlook overwriting Shortcuts on open


Jan 16, 2001
I wrote a Windows Service that parses the %APPDATA%\Micorsoft\Outlook\*.xml file(s) and checks it to ensure certain shortcuts are there. So if a user "accidentally" deletes a shortcut, it will re-appear next time that Outlook is opened (since Outlook only read the file when it opens). It works great except for one machine.

On this machine, when Outlook opens I see the shortcuts that my service put in the xml file for about a second and then they disapear. When Outlook is closed, it overwrites the xml file with one that doesn't contain the shortcuts. My service immediately overwrites it to include the shortcuts, but I can't get them to stick. If I add them manually through the GUI they stay there, but when added outside the GUI they do not. I did a diff on the xml file that the service edited and the one Outlook created with the GUI and they are the same. Does anyone know what could cause this? Where else are the shortcuts stored? How does Outlook know what the shortcuts were last time it was open?

Also, is there a better way to ensure shortcuts show up in Outlook?