Outlook (Express) on home network


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2001
I have a quick question. I just added a computer to our XP Pro home network. My wife has decided that she would like to be able to look at her Outlook Express email/inbox/folders and perform any of the e-mail operations from any of the computers. How would I go about setting this up for Outlook and Outlook Express?

You could do it with Outlook...full Outlook...just share one folder, store the PST there. The location of the PST file (Personal Folder) is completely managable in Outlook..can share it across a network even.

I have not attempted that with Outlook Express...not sure if you can redirect the .DBX files.

Or you could get a little cumbersome, but gets the job done...leave the e-mail setup on 1x PC, and have her remote access that PC from others on the network.

Or....does your mail host have Web Access to the mailbox?
The way I was picturing it was: Computer A has Outlook and Outlook express, Computer B has connection to Computer A. Is there any way to use them on Computer B as if you were on Computer A? I'm looking for something simple, like double-clicking Outlook Express icon on Computer B opens Computer A's OE.
Cbone said:
The way I was picturing it was: Computer A has Outlook and Outlook express, Computer B has connection to Computer A. Is there any way to use them on Computer B as if you were on Computer A? I'm looking for something simple, like double-clicking Outlook Express icon on Computer B opens Computer A's OE.

I can only see it working using Outlook...the full Outlook with Microsoft Office...as mentioned above, yes you can centralize that PST file, share it from the main computer, and access it from the other computers on your LAN. Reconfigure those other computers Outlook to utilize that shared PST instead of the default one that they'll want to use.

There are also a few PST sharing programs out there now...but cost money.

Of course the super expensive approach (unless you have Microsofts Action pack)...having an Exchange Server. But that's a corporate solution (and price)...but that's where Outlook can unleash its full potential.
^^^ that is your best bet - keep it on your ISP's server is possible

You could do it with Outlook...full Outlook...just share one folder, store the PST there. The location of the PST file (Personal Folder) is completely managable in Outlook..can share it across a network even.

a PST file can only be accesed by ONE outlook @ a time - so if she doesndt close outlook on one PC and tried on another - it wont work.

the best best if you want is make a linux box IF you want it all local and use SENDMAIL.
MrGuvernment said:
a PST file can only be accesed by ONE outlook @ a time - so if she doesndt close outlook on one PC and tried on another - it wont work.

That's correct (well, by default correct..however there are some 3rd party tools out now which can share PSTs as well as synch PST files between machines) . I was assuming he had just one wife. She wanted to access her e-mail from any of the PCs in the house. In which case, the "share a single PST file with MS Outlook" is a sound idea, I've actually done that quite a few times.

However if he's polygymous and wants one e-mail account for all his wives who wanted to use the computers at the same time...this would indeed be an issue.
Thanks for the replies. We're going to switch her over to Outlook to keep it simple.
I have thought about setting up a exchange server for just this reason, I want to be able to have the same outlook data on my laptop and desktop computer.
RiDDLeRThC said:
I have thought about setting up a exchange server for just this reason, I want to be able to have the same outlook data on my laptop and desktop computer.

If you're taking the laptop out of the network now and then, and want to keep the PST "synched up"...there are 3rd party utilities to do that for you. If it's just you and you laptop, especially for a home setup...I can't see justifying the cost of an Exchange server (and the necessary Windows server so you can run a domain) for that.

Also of note to this thread, not long ago Microsoft kicked off a neat service for small businesses that don't want the cost of an Exch solution...called MOOL..Microsoft Office Outlook Live. It's basically a pay for Outlook Web Access they offer. Pretty good price.
Well I already have the server running on my network it and I already have Microsoft Exchange so now all I need to do it switch over to running a domain and install Exchange server. I just need to find the time.
u got exchange. - way over kill really if you paid for it.

a good POP3 connector i use for our work is EFS - many others i have tried dont seem to work well.

if you want to spend some more money look into GFI mail essentials.