Outlook 2003 calendar booking showing "no information"

Red Squirrel

[H]F Junkie
Nov 29, 2009
On our domain environment we use Exchange and Outlook 2003. A user brought up an issue that seems to be affecting me and probably everyone else, now that I look at it.

At random, some users will show //////////////////// lines with "no information". This is completly random, and it does not even cover the whole time span. It's in gaps, while other times it's the whole line. It's random on a per user bassis.

I googled this and it seems to be a big issue yet I have not found any working solution. Has anyone seen this before and been able to fix it?
I saw that and that does not seem to do anything. Is there something on the server I need to do to "refresh" that setting?

Edit: Oh and if it helps, this started suddently. We only started getting tickets about it recently, so somehow something changed which caused this. I'm starting to wonder if it's some kind of time based bug. Maybe when an account reaches a certain age, something messes up because of some value rolling over. Most people are using Outlook 2007 by now, we are still far behind, which probably explains why I'm not finding all that much info on this. Just speculating at this point. It's odd it's only doing it to certain users and not others. It's consistent though, if user A cannot see user B's info then user C cannot see it either.
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