OT:Using your account to sell for a friend, and deal goes bad.......


Extremely [H]
Jan 2, 2001
This is starting to be a more common theme in trades gone bad, that the "Troll" is not actually the name of the person you was dealing with, but a "friend" the account holder was "helping out by letting him use my [H] name/Pay Pal/heatware account to sell his stuff"......well, what happens when the "friend" turns troll using your account? :eek:

see this thread here to see how ugly it gets.

I think that this "letting friend use my account" or "selling for a friend" should be made specifically against the rules here. There are too many problems with it.

If you want to help a friend out who cannot get Pay Pal (most often the reason) then he should still get their own [H] nick and sell under that, and have people PP to your account. Keep in mind if the friend flakes, the victums will (rightfully) come after your Pay Pal account.....

If you want to sell goods for a freind under your name, then YOU should handle the transaction. Don't EVER let anyone else perform trades under your name, that's just plain wrong. Also, use common sense. If you are going to sell for a freind, using your [H]name and account, and Pay Pal acount, then take physical possesion of the goods, sell them, collect the money, then transfer money to the freind AFTER the buyer has stated they are satisfied! If your "friend" is honest, then he shouldn't have ANY problem with that system :cool:

The only time I was ever taken by a troll was when the guy claimed to have lent his roomate his account ([H] name AND Pay Pal) ...and did so while he went on vacation....of course during this time the "roomate" racked up a series of troll victums....

I'll just say again that the practice of leting anyone use your account ([H] , Pay Pal, Heat, etc.) should be specifically prohibited on this forum. :eek:
that defenatelly should not be allowed.

You gotta sell something?
A. Make an account
B. Give items to your friend, and make him assume full responsibility for those items. Only then he can sell them, but on his own behalf now, and just give you money later.
I agree, there should be some sort of regulation on that. Then it just becomes a convenient cop-out. "Yeah, I got your money, but I havent seen my friend since before I posted..."
UrbanFuturistic said:
I agree, there should be some sort of regulation on that. Then it just becomes a convenient cop-out. "Yeah, I got your money, but I havent seen my friend since before I posted..."

except that it's usually "my friend has your money, I don't, so you have to deal with him....." :rolleyes:
the way i see it, if you EVER EVER EVER sell somethin for a friend, before even TRYING to sell if you get it and test it out first and KEEP IT, don't let your friend "hang on to it" until it's Sold[/I} since you're the one physically selling it for him, you should get the item and keep it until it's sold and everything.
This would probably fall under the rule that you can't sell anything that is not in your possession
If people are going to lend their accounts then they should have to put that in the original post, that it is a friend that they will be sending money to for the goods. If they don't do this and later claim it was a friend, then they should be banned.
It really should be against the rules, but I doubt there is a way to really enforce it :eek:
Yeah i agree it should be totally not allowed, common sense should stop people in the first place. ALso do we need 2 threads about this same topic with silent being, or atleast will be bad mouthed. Lets just post in the first thread if we have something bad to say about this.
i totally agree
i would NEVER let ANYONE have access to any forum or paypal
i have done deals for friends before
first thing i did was get the item in MY HANDS and TEST it.
It does not matter who the item belongs to.
YOU are selling it,its your problem if things go wrong.
I have also bought stuff for friends
so i got the cash in my hands before i asked for what ever they needed
i will not screw up my rep for anyone
<rant over>
should never sell a item for a friend unless its in your hands .

Super strokey said:
Yeah i agree it should be totally not allowed, common sense should stop people in the first place. ALso do we need 2 threads about this same topic with silent being, or atleast will be bad mouthed. Lets just post in the first thread if we have something bad to say about this.

the 2 threads are different. the troll thread is about silent, this is about the idea in general of "selling for a freind" and silent's troll thread is a good example of it, i felt that my original post of this thread warrented a thread on it's own for folks to weigh in on.... :eek:
michty said:
If people are going to lend their accounts then they should have to put that in the original post, that it is a friend that they will be sending money to for the goods. If they don't do this and later claim it was a friend, then they should be banned.

I think that people should not lend their accounts at all. In other words, only post under your own name......
This is what happens when the Troll Hunters are gone or have their powers stripped...
Meh...this is why I trust OCForums more.
DaveX said:
This is what happens when the Troll Hunters are gone or have their powers stripped...
Meh...this is why I trust OCForums more.

umm, how does that matter? :confused: things like this still happen with or without trollhunters, and how are you safe from someone on OCForums "lending" an account to "a freind"?

I have over 100+ trades, all but 2 or 3 on the hardforums. All but one went well, and i eventually got my money back on that one......

like any other forum, common sense makes all the difference ;)
Because the guidelines are stricter and there are a lot of people I know there...

You CANNOT sell for a friend.
By Troll Hunters I mean SilverSink and LutaWicasa...they verify every seller and item. And they know who are trolls too...they hunt trolls at many forums.
I almost NEVER hear of anything like this.
People use common sense also...
Overclockers don't try to cheat overclockers...
Heatware is like the law there...
Every thread-crap or flame is shut down AT ONCE.