OS X Server and iPad Management Questions


Limp Gawd
Sep 1, 2005
I'm going for an interview soon and I know that one of the questions is going to be about running OS X and iPad management in a school environment. The network is a Windows domain environment with 10 Win Servers, 1100 Windows nodes, and 150 iPad's. I know nothing about OS X Server or managing iPad's. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this? I have a couple of questions.

1) Can you run OS X Server in VMware? If not...

2) Do you need a dedicated machine to run OS X?


3) Is the OS X Server software only $50?

"I'm just curious how the licenses work."

4) Do you use a iPad lab cart? If so, where did you purchase it and for how much?

Here is the steps to manage the iPad's.


5) Is the steps listed above pretty accurate?

Anything anyone can contribute would be awesome about managing a MAC environment. As far as I know the only thing they have now that is MAC related is iPad's for the teachers to use and looking on setting up a mobile iPad cart. I am just looking for a quick summary.
I'm going for an interview soon and I know that one of the questions is going to be about running OS X and iPad management in a school environment. The network is a Windows domain environment with 10 Win Servers, 1100 Windows nodes, and 150 iPad's. I know nothing about OS X Server or managing iPad's. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this? I have a couple of questions.

1) Can you run OS X Server in VMware? If not...

Not legally.

2) Do you need a dedicated machine to run OS X?


3) Is the OS X Server software only $50?

"I'm just curious how the licenses work."

4) Do you use a iPad lab cart? If so, where did you purchase it and for how much?

Here is the steps to manage the iPad's.


Start to get above 10 idevices you are managing you want to start looking at 3rd party solutions. There are plenty to choose from.

5) Is the steps listed above pretty accurate?

Anything anyone can contribute would be awesome about managing a MAC environment. As far as I know the only thing they have now that is MAC related is iPad's for the teachers to use and looking on setting up a mobile iPad cart. I am just looking for a quick summary.
This is funny because, I am also about to go to a meeting...then, possibly interview for a very similar job. I will be watching this thread for help as well.
1) Can you run OS X Server in VMware? If not...

Not legally.

Actually, yes you can legally virtualize OS X Snow Leopard Server, but you can not OS X (client). "Apple's EULA for Snow Leopard allows the installation of one copy of OS X on one Apple-branded computer, while Snow Leopard Server allows additional copies of Mac OS X Server on the same computer, as long as you have licenses for each of these copies." See http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-20005524-263.html

You can only virtualize it on Apple Hardware though.
1) Can you run OS X Server in VMware? If not...

VMware Fusion, yes. ESXi no.

2) Do you need a dedicated machine to run OS X?

Why do you want an OS X server? You can deploy iOS devices from Windows now - http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1466

I will say that the deployment tool for OS X Lion is more full featured and if the school already has a Mac server, by all means use it.

3) Is the OS X Server software only $50?

Yes. Licenses are perpetual. Buy it once, put it on all the Macs you have.

4) Do you use a iPad lab cart? If so, where did you purchase it and for how much?

We don't as of right now. I have a close friend who works for a school with iPads, I'll ping him.

Here is the steps to manage the iPad's.


5) Is the steps listed above pretty accurate?

Pretty much. However the Lion deployment tool he talks about is pretty limited. Depending on how much you want to do with them you'll need an MDM (mobile device management) suite. There are tons out there. Here is a link from Apple - http://www.apple.com/iphone/business/integration/mdm/ We use Absolute Manage MDM, it is good stuff.