OS/2 Warp 4

Jan 28, 2001
Or in my case, OS/2 Warp Server 4 :cool:

I haven't played with it yet, as it's still sitting at home in it's shrinkwrapped box...

Anyone ever mess around with OS/2 before? Thoughts,comments?

Yes, I realize it's a practically dead OS, but I intend to putz around with it anyway.
GreNME said:
If you haven't opened it yet, what do you want for it?

Simply to fuck around with and see what it is/was. I likely won't be using it for any actual tasks, why?
I think you should be able to find some use for it. Some things have been ported from the linux world, and there has been made native software for most things.
(I once used Warp 4 for NATing an ISDN connection here. Wouldn't recommend using it for anything else on a 486/66. :D )
OS/2 was a awesome OS for it's time, far better than Windows in it's day. Too bad IBM didn't put the marketing force behind it Microsoft did to Windows, otherwise OS/2 may have been the mainstream desktop OS :)
I remember, way back in the day (before win95), a friend was running OS/2. He was running a BBS and used OS/2 to let him actually use the computer for other stuff. I honestly don't remember much else about it but there's still a decent community going on around the OS & they don't seem anywhere near as fanatical as the Amiga users...
TheMasterRat said:
Simply to fuck around with and see what it is/was. I likely won't be using it for any actual tasks, why?
Because I'd give ya a few bucks for it. ;)
i once had a demo of it, it was kind just like win95! way better than win31. i couldn't afford it at the time.
tdg said:
OS/2 was a awesome OS for it's time, far better than Windows in it's day. Too bad IBM didn't put the marketing force behind it Microsoft did to Windows, otherwise OS/2 may have been the mainstream desktop OS :)

My Dad and I couldn't agree with you anymore!!
tdg said:
OS/2 was a awesome OS for it's time, far better than Windows in it's day. Too bad IBM didn't put the marketing force behind it Microsoft did to Windows, otherwise OS/2 may have been the mainstream desktop OS :)
You should check out some of the credits for the development team behind Windows 2000 some time. The names should be familiar to an OS/2 fan...
I ran OS/2 from 1993 to 1997. It ran my DOS BBS flawlessly. Warp4 is a little weird compared to V3, it gave in to some Win95 stylings like the Start button and the window borders. Still, it's fast and very intuitive.

I might still have my OS/2 discs.. I had V2.1, V3, V4, Lan Server, Warp Server, and some apps. Lan Server was funny, you just took regular V3 and installed the server component from a handful of *floppy disks*.