Ordering Help Needed for 2405


Sep 10, 2005
Hi everyone. :) First Id like to thank everyone for making my new monitor choice easier. It seems the 2405 is well liked on these boards, and in other areas on the net.

My Compaq v90 monitor died about a week ago, so i ordered the 2405 from dell.ca at full price(not knowing any better) (1399$) came to about $1608.85 shipped with the taxes... (ouch) I later found a thread in this forum saying that if you talk to a rep you can sometimes get them to lower the price for a bit, so i canceled my order and called a rep and managed to get the monitor for 15% off, or $1384 shipped :D (not bad , quite good savings there)

Now im completely new to ordering stuff online, its my first time. I placed this order last monday.. and its been in processing all week.(even called my cc company to make sure it will go through)

Here is where the problem comes in. I load up the forums last night and notice that there is a thread about the 2405 and the other 20" widescreen on sale for 1 day only with a coupon. (i had 2 hours to act and i decided i would place an order for one online
Sub-Total was $989.00 after taxes and shipping it came to $1,137.35! :eek: not bad $247 off the previous order...

Problem is my card was maxed out from the one i placed earlier this week... (I knew this but i ordered anyway since I know they need a buisness day or 2 to process it) I was hopeing I would be able to call dell first thing monday morning, cancel the first one and go ahead with this one. ( I would have called them yesterday but Customer Care is only available mon-fri 8am-9pm) :confused:

Now i called my cc company today to let them knnow what i was trying to do, but it seems they already tried to put the coupon'd one through and it got rejected cause there was no funds.. Do you think im still entitled to the discounted price, or am I hosed? I mean ultimately I would love to save an additional $250... Anyone have any exerience on how i should go about talking to dell about this on monday?

I think something working in my argument was the fact I was unable to even cancel my first order to go through with the new one because their phone service was unavailable(after 9pm) which is why my online order will probably get rejected(according to the cc company) Maybe they will see that and give it to me for the coupon price... (i hope)

Sorry for this long read! I'm wishing someone can give me some advice on this matter. Thank you
That coupon was only up for a few hours since it hit its 1000 uses fast. If they put through the order and it bounced I really doubt that they will let you do it again.