opinions on call of duty?


Jan 29, 2004
id like to hear some opinions on call of duty.

i played MOHAA for the longest time ever (2 years) from the first week the demo came out untill my vodoo 3000 fried.

now that i am in the proccess of building a new comp (2800+, ASUS, 512K RAM) i want to start playing some games. especially the ones i couldnt with my P3.

so what do u guys think of CoD? and compared to MOHAA.

anything special about it?

i love first person shooters and i love the WW2 theme so i think this game will be good for me.
what do you all suggest?
Originally posted by iamgus_gus
id like to hear some opinions on call of duty.

i played MOHAA for the longest time ever (2 years) from the first week the demo came out untill my vodoo 3000 fried.

now that i am in the proccess of building a new comp (2800+, ASUS, 512K RAM) i want to start playing some games. especially the ones i couldnt with my P3.

so what do u guys think of CoD? and compared to MOHAA.

anything special about it?

i love first person shooters and i love the WW2 theme so i think this game will be good for me.
what do you all suggest?

No nothing special but a great game. Better than MOHAA definiatly. The teamwork work great in COD and it got some good AI. It´s really really short though so make sure you play it on hard. That was perfect for me. Playing it on Veteran just ain´t any fun since I did have to reload quite frequently on some levels.

But good 7 hours of fun :) Especially if you got a good sound system
online play is what im realy looking foreward too. i almost never played single player on mohaa. after u beat it, it just gets old.

but multiplayer never got old with me. i was addicted
Originally posted by GOD'SlittleSERVANT
multi is super gnarlly, its fun as hell

But it´s get old after 5 minutes ;) MP is 10 times more repetitive than SP :p
I liked it.Especially the Russian levels in SP. All 3 of the waiting for relief levels will have you cussing in the [H]ardest mode. Unfortunately I am on snail-up again, for a little while. So I havent tried the MP.
Originally posted by Joves
I liked it.Especially the Russian levels in SP. All 3 of the waiting for relief levels will have you cussing in the [H]ardest mode. Unfortunately I am on snail-up again, for a little while. So I havent tried the MP.

Heh, I can't get MP to work online at all. :p

Single Player is fun, IMO. Still on the tank levels... I hate the tank levels.
COD is the best action game I have played in a long time. My latest PC Gamer had 2003 awards and gave it action game of the year. Certainly worth the money IMO, way better than MOHAA.
CoD = MOH:AA 1.5

And that is a good thing.

It takes the elements of MOH and improves on them.

Been playing since the Stalingrad demo of AA. :p
bah! i used to be able to run the CoD multi without the cd and so i let my buddy borrow it for a while to play and get hooked and then they upgraded and i tried to upgrade and it asks for the cd which i don't have!!!!

i'm currently in a limbo state of non-call of duty and i am sad. so very sad. :(
Originally posted by iamgus_gus
online play is what im realy looking foreward too. i almost never played single player on mohaa. after u beat it, it just gets old.

but multiplayer never got old with me. i was addicted

Blegh - I thought MP for CoD was nothing out of the ordinary. The SP was what made it stand out. The MP game modes have all been done before - DM, TDM, Search & Destroy, CTF, etc. If they'd thrown some AI support in there for MP, it would've been much better.
headquarters gamemode is very entertaining. promotes good teamplay.
i'd definately say it was one of the best games out of last year. I love the multiplayer and the single is just fun. i could play the multiplayer all day long. only down side is that as far as i know there is no ingame voice chat, wish it did. but hey, i wish a lot of things. maybe they'll do it in a patch.

but yeh. get it. its great.
HQ!!! OH MY GOD.. Such fun with that :)

I thought COD was exactly like MOHAA when I first played it, then realized it was better :)
While Call of Duty is more visually intensive and stunning, frankly the game doesn't quite cut it from me. I'm tired of running around and getting the most random BS headshots so I fall dead from an enemy acrossed the map with his Colt. Just more and more it seems like accuracy doesn't play any roll in this game, it's like the game rolls a dice to tell whether you're going to hit it or not. There are times where I have the best surprise on the guy, am point blank shooting him in the back, he ends up turning around really really slowly, and gets a wicked headshot on me... This happens all the time, and I'm sorry but it just deters me from this game.

Single Player is what really made it for me, that game has a lot of replay value, and is just a fun fast paced experience to run around in single player. For MP, it's basically the most repetitive thing out there, not to mention the headshot fiasco... Now, I had thought that when they make this game more like DoD, it would be wonderful... that isn't the case anymore, too much BS for me. :(
Originally posted by Punkrulz
While Call of Duty is more visually intensive and stunning, frankly the game doesn't quite cut it from me. I'm tired of running around and getting the most random BS headshots so I fall dead from an enemy acrossed the map with his Colt. Just more and more it seems like accuracy doesn't play any roll in this game, it's like the game rolls a dice to tell whether you're going to hit it or not. There are times where I have the best surprise on the guy, am point blank shooting him in the back, he ends up turning around really really slowly, and gets a wicked headshot on me... This happens all the time, and I'm sorry but it just deters me from this game.

Single Player is what really made it for me, that game has a lot of replay value, and is just a fun fast paced experience to run around in single player. For MP, it's basically the most repetitive thing out there, not to mention the headshot fiasco... Now, I had thought that when they make this game more like DoD, it would be wonderful... that isn't the case anymore, too much BS for me. :(

I think they released a patch for the MP eliminating the headshot thing.

Anyway, I find in Single player when I shoot 'em in the legs, arms, chest or back, it isn't very lethal. Sometimes takes 4 or 5 rounds. When you hit 'em in the head, they stay dead. Some of the bastards in this game will go down for a while then come back after you think they're gone. At least for me.
The only gripe i have is that in MP there are some messed up spawn spots. I spawn next to the enemy at least every other time.
Originally posted by The Other
The only gripe i have is that in MP there are some messed up spawn spots. I spawn next to the enemy at least every other time.

I would consider that realistic... I mean, when parachuting into Normandy, you don't magically land in the middle of a friendly base... :p
Originally posted by ’m‚³‚ñ
I would consider that realistic... I mean, when parachuting into Normandy, you don't magically land in the middle of a friendly base... :p

you dont? :eek:
ive had this game for like 3 monbths now and i just played a 40man game for the first time, SO FUCKIN AWESOME! WOW, great game
Bitchin game. I just got it Saturday, and beat it tonight.

Good gameplay, realistic environments, and AWSOME sound, even with my onboard sound and crappy headphones. You dont run and mow down everything that moves; you have to use strategy and run from one overturned car or pile of bricks to the next. And you get to drive a tank and blow things up in the Russian campain.

The physics is lame though. If I shoot a vase with a Panzerfaust (anti-tank rocket), I want it to break. Also, I dont like how the environment is so limited. It's set up so you only have one path to choose from in many locations. You cant open doors, and there are some annoying invisible barriers that you cant go past. If it used a newer physics engine it would be so much more enjoyable. After playing Max Payne 2, it feels too rigid.

Overall, it's still a really fun and immersive game. It's no Half-Life, but the SP is good for a weekend. I have yet to play MP much, but it looks good.
I play this game like a kamikaze. I have even been playing since day one too but I still play this way. It's fun for me this way. If anyoneone wants to play search and destroy and needs a partner I'd be willing to put aside my selfish kamikaze ways to have fun with a fellow [H] member or two or three or whatever. ;)
Originally posted by thrashd
Bitchin game. I just got it Saturday, and beat it tonight.

Good gameplay, realistic environments, and AWSOME sound, even with my onboard sound and crappy headphones. You dont run and mow down everything that moves; you have to use strategy and run from one overturned car or pile of bricks to the next. And you get to drive a tank and blow things up in the Russian campain.

The physics is lame though. If I shoot a vase with a Panzerfaust (anti-tank rocket), I want it to break. Also, I dont like how the environment is so limited. It's set up so you only have one path to choose from in many locations. You cant open doors, and there are some annoying invisible barriers that you cant go past. If it used a newer physics engine it would be so much more enjoyable. After playing Max Payne 2, it feels too rigid.

Overall, it's still a really fun and immersive game. It's no Half-Life, but the SP is good for a weekend. I have yet to play MP much, but it looks good.

Yeah, like in the russian part of the game where you have to go up the hill. I kept going to the left, and the game would go nuts. I'd be pushed across the damn map, it was so annoying.
Originally posted by ’m‚³‚ñ
I would consider that realistic... I mean, when parachuting into Normandy, you don't magically land in the middle of a friendly base... :p

Not when you are in a building in mp and next thing you know someone spawns or you spawn next to the enemy. Outside yeah inside nah.
the single player was fun, but i beat it in one day on hard...if anything, borrow it from a friend, no-cd patch it and beat the single player then uninstall it....the multiplayer is worthless...the maps are cheap rehashes of single-player levels and 85% of the players use sniper rifles....very very boring...got old in about 10-15 minutes....if ur going to buy a game set in ww2 buy hidden and dangerous 2...challenging, immersive, graphics that tallywack call of dutys (especially in map textures and animations, two most lacking areas in call of duty)....

i cant complain because i didnt pay for call of duty and its no longer on my harddrive, the single player was a good 8 hour romp, but thats it

if u want ww2 multiplayer play day of defeat mod for halflife

buy hidden and dangerous 2 now and be happy, then download day of defeat and be happier, then borrow call of duty, beat it, uninstall it and be happiest
i wish H&d2 had coop, that was the coolest thing about the first one imo