open source or freeware drive backup utility?


Apr 18, 2004
Looking to throw linux on my dell laptop, but I want to back up my windows drive first. Any free utilties out there that i can boot from a cd, create a hard drive image onto a usb portable hard drive, and be able to load the image from the same usb hard drive?
I read of something that would work this morning but can't find it at the moment.

I'll look again when I get home from class.
So you want to copy your Windows install onto a USB flash drive? And have it usable? First, you need to make sure your OS files can fit onto your flash drive. Second, make sure your BIOS supports booting from USB.
upriverpaddler said:
Get yourself a free copy of the Ultimate Boot CD, or UBCD as google likes to call it. Or you may be more comfortable with UBCD4Win.

thats cool. It says run it from WinPE. Could you put this on a BartPE? That would be cool.

Yea, it should work.