Only getting single channel w/ OCZ value series 1GB dual channel kit, etc.


Mar 24, 2006
Anyone else having trouble getting this RAM to run in Dual Channel? It never worked right since installation; it defaulted to run at 333MHz and in single channel. I have enabled dual bank interleaving in my BIOS. Performance otherwise is good, I have it at 2.5,3,3,7 1T @433 MHz, but that might change once I stress test the system. Is there some way to force dual bank mode? I installed it in banks 1&3, should I try banks 2&4, does it matter??? Even at oc'ed speeds, it doesn't appear to be matching similar configurations shown in SiSoft Sandra memory benchmark (ATI X200 2x512 PC3200 [internal video]).
In case you didn't see sig, I have a Jetway A210GDMS-Pro mobo.

Yeah, that was all it took... rookie mistake: actually believing the instruction manual.
ValeX said:
How much performance gain is there in going dual channel anyways? I've got a dual channel kit, but my mobo doesn't support it, so it's running single....thoughts?


I dont know, This is my first set of dual channel ram modules. That (cf)Eclipse guy can probably tell you. He seems to know alot....
it's not a whole lot. don't expect more than 5-8% at most with the same cpu speed and cache size from s754 -> s939 (single to dual channel ;))

Aratech, what mobo you got? i can't seem to find it in your sig :p
i *think* 1+3 or 2+4 is dual channel for your mobo, based on the coloring.. ;)
ValeX said:
How much performance gain is there in going dual channel anyways? I've got a dual channel kit, but my mobo doesn't support it, so it's running single....thoughts?

I was making my speed assumptions bassed on some Sandra benchmarks. My speed was way below what they advertised for my mobo when running in single channel mode. Once it realized dual channel, the graph went up considerably. I didn't notice any marked increase in speed, all I care is that I'm getting what I paid for, but the change in benchmark numbers was significant. I don't remember them off the bat, but I was pleasantly suprised to have unleashed that potential.