One PC at work opens Word documents as read-only randomly.


Limp Gawd
Jan 3, 2006
This PC opens .doc documents (word) as read only totally randomly. I mean, this document will be opened normally on other PC and after closing this file on this PC, the other one may or may not open it as read only.

This is totally random (or so it seems). One document could be opened normally and the next minute is read only.
This has nothing to do with user's permissions (we have a Windows 2003 domain server).
This PC has this problem with users that DON'T have this problem on other PCs.

So again, sometimes the documents on this PC are opened as read only, sometimes not. They are not read only or opened by some other guy in another PC.

What do you think?
Are these local documents or are they stored on a share? Try and create a document and save it to the location, then try to open and close the document. Does it do the same thing?