OK Didn't knwo where to post this but...


Dec 17, 2005
Here is my problem. I Am trying to format my computer, and when it gets to the screnn where it asks you to boot from cd and the . . . . . . thing happens, my keyboard doesnt work and I can't hit a button. But it works before this because I can get into the bios and use it and it works in windows. I went through the bios and couldn't find anything that looked like it would help. It is a USB keyboard and I have EVGA 133-K8-NF41 NF4SLI 939 Mobo and an AMD 3800+ This is the first time I have tried to format, but right when I built the computer I could boot from CD because I did get Windows Installed. I am wondering if this has ever happened to anybody else and I was wondering if anybody knows how to fix it. Any help will be greatlfully taken.
There is a BIOS setting to enable USB legacy device support. This must be enabled for a USB keyboard to funtion in software that does not have USB support. Like windows setup.