Ok all you OC gurus, I need your help!


Mar 16, 2004
I have an air-cooled Epox 8RDA+/2100+ Tbred B/2x256 HyperX PC3000 which had been stable at 11x200 with mem timings of 2-2-2-6 at a mem frequency of 50%. I wanted a higher FSB tho, so..

First thing I did was to up the Vcore to 1.8 and Vdimm to 2.77. Relaxed the timings to 2-4-4-11 and started upping the mem freq - didn't play with the FSB yet at all.

Got a C1 board error on the mem at freq of 83%, so cleared the CMOS intending to push it back to 80% as Prime95 and Memtest reported no errors. After clearing CMOS, I switched the Vdimm to 2.90 thinking that maybe 2.77 was a tad too low and got it back to 66% before getting another C1 board error.

I had to go out and do some errands at that point, so simply shut it down. Upon returning I cleared the CMOS and started over. Now though, I can't get the mem to run at any timings/freq unless it is set to auto or by SPD. Every time I switch it to Expert - even at 50% freq - I get a C1 board error.

I'm so bummed. LOL Finally got my stock 2100+ speed back and mem is set to auto at 2-2-2-6 timings. It's so weird tho.. I can run it at those timings at DDR333 with no probs in Memtest on auto, but as soon as I enter Expert - even at relaxed timings - I can't get it to run at all. :(

Any suggestions?
Run with looser timings at 100%. 2.5-3-3-11. Bump up in steps on the fsb bus. Don't think it helps to run asynchronously and then play with the memory; you've eliminated the cpu and mobo as your bottleneck, now pull the memory up with the fsb and increase vdimm as needed; worry about timings later?