Office 2013 registration tips for Win 10.


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
So I couldn't get Office 2013 to install after upgrading from Win 8.1 to Win 10. I kept all of my files when I upgraded so I was surprised to see that I was missing Word, Excel, etc. This is what I did to get it to work again.

First time I tried the download link that I got for Office 2013. It installed and said that I had a valid Office install. But none of the Office programs were available! All I had was an app to "Get Office" that constantly told me that I already owned it.

So I tried to use my key on the Office website. Microsoft said that I wasn't authorized to own Office 2013 and that I need to contact my administrator. Grr.

So then I went to Add / Remove Programs. Removed Office which said it was unavailable, but installed, and the Get Office app.

Then I went to install it again. In the middle of installation it said that I can use Office. So I fired up Excel but it wouldn't launch. Tried Word and sure enough it was there this time. But it said that I needed to activate. After signing in to my Microsoft account it said that I wasn't authorized, and to contact my Administrator.

So then I went back to the sign in screen in Word while Office 2013 was still installing. There is a tiny ass blue font link to use your Office 2013 key to register Office. I clicked that and it allowed me to activate Office 2013 using the supplied key that was invalid on the Microsoft Office 2013 website. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So in short try what I detailed if you can't get Office 2013 to work. Hopefully this helps some poor lost soul out there that bought it when it was cheap way back in the day. ;)