Office 2007 Backwards Compatible?


Limp Gawd
Sep 18, 2006
Is powerpoint 2007 able to be viewed on a 2003 powerpoint system??? Not sure because it shows new fonts and word art and formatting.. not sure if I save d it to a disk that it would play on MS PPT 2003... Would it??
I believe at you can find converters and viewers that will allow you to look at the content of Office 2007-created documents on older versions of Windows than Vista which basically considers that stuff native (Vista doesn't read O2K7 stuff by default, however).

My meaning is that for older OSes and versions of Office, you'd need converters or viewers to look at or open and work with anything created by Office 2007 applications.

Hope this helps...
office 2007 has some new formats, like a word doc saves default s .docx , so you have to choose the file type to save as word 97-2003, prob the same for powerpoint
We've also had to install an Office 2007 compatibility pack for all systems running 2003. Not sure how this affects Powerpoint, but it has allowed doc's to be opened in 2003 when created on 2007.
You can also still save in the old .ppt format as well... As most people don't have any idea they need to install the compatibility pack.
I'm using Office 2007 and everyone else in my organization is on 2003. I've been able to save every file type using the 2003 option (very easy, one of the main options on the orb, pearl, etc) and no one has had any issues opening my documents.
You can save them in compatibility mode or, if the people you're sending documents to regularly update using Windows Update, they will have downloaded and installed a conversion package for MS office so that older versions of office can open the new Office 2007 formats.
