Odd Video Problem (ati) Please Help :(


Mar 27, 2004
Hey guys, I recently built my first computer (about a month ago) and I'm just noticing a problem with my video card. It's a ATI 128MB Radeon 9800 Pro with the latest drivers, and I noticed this problem while playing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. It's a very hard thing to explain, so I'll just copy the post of someone who is having the same problem as me at the MOHAA message board (it's dead there):

"Hi...When I play MOHAA MP DEMO the game runs smooth and fast etc-wonderful graphics...But I have noticed one thing while playing (now bear with me as this is hard to explain!)...When you are standing in front of a door frame or the end of a wall or anything with vertical lines and you move your mouse round from left to right or vice versa a sort of invisible line or lines appear to come off the vertical horizontally! phew! lol...told you it was hard to explain!...however if you move your mouse the same way but SLOWER then the invisible line or lines hardly show at all...I was wondering if anyone first of all understands me! and has experienced this themselves?...I know I am being picky 'cause the graphics are awesome in this game but I'm just curious if anyone else has noticed this?
Thanks from Colin.

P.S.-I also downloaded an official demo movie of MOH and sure enough there are invisible lines coming off the verticals.
I am using a Radeon 9800 pro."

I didn't remember this problem with other games but I played some newer ones anyway to see if I could spot this problem and sure enough if I looked hard enough I could see a small hint of it, and once you notice it, it becomes very annoying. But with MOHAA, this problem is a lot more noticeable and it makes it seem like I have low FPS, but I really don't so this made me to believe it was a refresh rate problem or something. I've also tried many different drivers and the problem still persists. This really worries me because I've only heard of one other person having this problem and we hardly even know how to explain it. It's so odd because it doesn't show up on the FPS or in a screen shot - you can only see it in motion. It sort of reminds me of taking a picture of a helicopter propeller or something, heh. Anyway, any input would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot guys.