Odd shutdown issue with XP SP3


Oct 10, 2001
On a couple of systems we have when we shut the system down, we get an error from Logonui.exe and the system won't shut down until you clear the error or shut down the system via the power button. It's happened on multiple systems, but I believe only on systems running SP3.

It would be only an annoyance, but the systems this occurs on are IG systems (Image Generators) for the simulator I work on, and typically only use remote access to work on them. When the system starts shutting down, we lose remote access so we have to power it down manually.

The systems are all Core 2 Duos running on Supermicro boards, usually the C2SBC-Q model.

I would think a file being corrupted / virus but the systems don't have net access, and it's happened on 5+ computers built in different batches.

Of course Google was no help, nor any of my usual tech support buddies, so here I am :D I'm also going to call SuperMicro, but I doubt they can help.