Odd firefox problem - gray box in images, can't scroll past with mousewheel


Mar 26, 2005
OK, I'm having an odd problem with Firefox that has been bugging me for a while. If I'm browsing a page with a lot of pictures (it seems to happen on forums specifically) at some point I'll encounter an image that has a gray box blocking part of the middle of the picture. This gray box will always extend past the right edge of the picture as well. In addition, I will be unable to scroll down further with my mouse wheel until I've scrolled past the picture at which point the mouse wheel resumes operating normally.

I'm using Firefox and the only extension I'm using is the "Download Statusbar."

Here's an example screenshot of what's going on (scaled down by 33% but it should give you an idea of what I'm seeing.)


Does anyone have any ideas? This has been going on for a while with several of the latest revisions of Firefox 2.0.
Just to be clear: This only happens on this machine, and only in the latest Firefox browser? And Internt Explorer and other browsers operate fine on the same websites from this same machine?
That is the gray shadow behind a tooltip, it happens sometimes when I keep my mouse on icons on the toolbar.
That happens to me on 1 fourm I visit, its something to do with an Ad and when I scroll down instead of the ad being there it shows that grey box, I do use the firefox extension No Script, so i think it has something to do with that on my end, maybe you have no script also ?
Just to be clear: This only happens on this machine, and only in the latest Firefox browser? And Internt Explorer and other browsers operate fine on the same websites from this same machine?

Well, this is the only machine I use Firefox on because it's not authorized at work. I've seen the problem pop up with other websites but it's most noticeable on this one in particular (maybe because I look at a lot of threads that have lots of pictures on this car forum). IE 6 doesn't do it.

Very odd eh?

Tomorrow maybe I'll try disabling the one extension I have (download statusbar) and see if it still does it.
This problem may be outside of your hands. With a corporate environment, there could be network/firewall content filtering that is blocking some content from being displayed normally. The content blocked does not have to be a particular type, it could be that some content is on a domain that is blacklisted or filtered out.

Try checking this out on another machine outside of your company's network that has the same version of Firefox and plugins, and see if the problem still happens on the same websites. If it doesn't show up on this machine outside your company, then I think that my previous beliefs are what's going on and that this is outside of your control.
OK, how's this for weird. This problem was occurring on my old board which was an AMD X2 939 mobo board with Windows XP and the then-latest version of Firefox 2. Now I've rebuilt my PC (new motherboard, RAM, processor, hard drive), gone to Vista 64-bit - clean install, not upgrade, and upgraded to Firefox 3. I'm still not using Ad Blocker, I'm not using any extensions whatsoever, and it shouldn't be a network/firewall problem because it's it's a home network. But it's still doing it. Weird.