Oblivion question....

Mar 2, 2006
I think I'd enjoy the game by just looking at some videos I've seen but I rarely consider a game if it's not multi-player. I find that playing against real humans is way more fun, more engaging and removes the repetative nature found in most, if not all, single player games. I liked Half Life but never finished it because the nature of each stage of the game became repetative - puzzle- kill - puzzle- kill..it becomes a test to see if you can guess what the programers did in each level instead of being emersed in the game
And probably the biggest complaint I have for a good single player game is they end too soon....
Example Unreal was great single player but just as I was starting to get really good at it it was over!
Multi-player takes even an average game and makes it last forever as long as you can find a server with some relatively intelligent people playing on it you can get lost in the action and rarely feel like there is a pattern to the gameplay, you never know what some real person might do unlike the AI in most games.

Can anyone tell me if Oblivion is going to last long enough to feel like it was worth it? Is there a cooperative mode where more than one player can link up two PC's and play together?

Thanks for the info in advance.
You won't have problems with it not lasting long enough. There are hundreds of dungeons to explore and hundreds of quests to complete. The developers have said that there is over 200+ hours of gameplay. Also, there is some replayability if you experiment with differenct classes.

As for MMORPG's being more immersive...I think you have a point. But, I've played WOW, and Guild Wars (yes, yes...everyone will say "its not a true MMORPG" - fine.) I find that Oblivion is much more immersive in that there seems to be more to explore and the quest design is much better. MMORPG's are dependent on the quality of players playing it...and most of the time their "quests" are tedious. The payback is through social interaction.

Oblivion, in my opinion, does a lot of work to make the game feel immersive. The landscape alone makes it feel as if your are in a realistic world. The sound and art design is amazing. Many spots actually look and sound like a real forest - hence the feeling that it is real.

And, the dungeon crawling is a lot of fun. You can complete the main quest; take quests from various guilds; or, just go off and explore on your own. I just explore and clean out dungeons. Its a lot of fun, much more fun then I ever had with a MMORPG...but I think I am biased...my favourite genre has always been the single player RPG.

Hope this helps.
No, no co-op. It's a shame too. But belive me, if this is similar to the last game, then you will never finish all the side quests.

Edit:And everything he said^^^ is right