NVR best practice?


Oct 8, 2013
I'm currently installing cameras (6 POE axis m3005-v) around my house, and wonder what the best way to set them up on the network.

would it be best to throw the NVR, cameras, and all other local machines (xbox1, desktop, etc...) on the same network?


The NVR has 2 network cards - use 1 port for network access and the 2nd port to connect a poe switch for the cameras to connect too

which would be the best method?
"best' depends entirely on what you are trying to achieve...which you have not stated.

For me, I don't "trust" my cameras. Too many unknowns in the software/firmware on them. Cameras have been reported with anything from hidden back-door access to outright dangerous malware embedded on them - and these were cameras from well known mainstream OEMs like Hickvision, etc.

For that reason, I would isolate the cameras on their own network. Don't give them any route to the Internet or to any machine in your local network except the NVR machine itself. And then, to the extent possible without making it unusable, firewall the heck out of access to the NVR.
Cameras and nvr configured with no default gateway on their own subnet.

VPN into the local subnet (think openvpn or something of the sort) for viewing.

Never expose any camera or nvr to the internet, too many security holes and plain text authentication, etc. Always use VPN to gain access.