NVIDIA Quadro® FX 5600


Jul 4, 2006
Has anyone had any experience with this card outside of a professional setting? I currently have the opportunity to get a work station form the engineering firm I work for and I am wondering if this card would be useful in a home environment?
probably be a waste of money, as i'm sure the workstation would be quite expensive if it has that card in it, and it'd probably perform worse than an 8800GTX; it looks like it basically is one with double the memory............... but the drivers will be more optimized for professional level apps (think Maya 3D, etc.) than home use/gaming...... and therefore performance will suffer, although I wonder if the extra memory would be useful at all for the upcoming memory hungry games............

EDIT: looks like the 8800GTX has more memory bandwidth........ 86.4GB/sec as opposed to the quadro's 76.8GB/sec.
From what I have read, you could use it for gaming or any other application you want. I do not have first hand experience with the card though. If it's free take it... If it's free, the it's for me.... lol
They are willing to let me purchase the system for 1,300, this is due to the fact that we recently went through a water main brake and insurance is replacing allot of our equipment.
They are willing to let me purchase the system for 1,300, this is due to the fact that we recently went through a water main brake and insurance is replacing allot of our equipment.

purchase it........ if you don't like the card, you can ebay it........... retail for that card is way more than you'd be paying for the whole system............(~$2700-$3200 for the card alone)

Google checkout link: http://www.google.com/products?q=qu...=product_result&resnum=1&ct=checkout-restrict