Nvidia 7800 GT accessories? + xbox360?


Oct 28, 2005
I never though of this, and I have yet to try it, but before I go hauling my 360 and unplugging to put near my computer..

There is this video component cable that comes with the video card, that has one side component, and one side AV plugs? If I hook up the av plugs to that, and hook the vidoe connector to my video card, will that work as an adapter or no?

Im not sure what that is used for otherwise?

And admin's, if this is the wrong forum sorry, please move if need be. Thanks.
Is you 7800 a VIVO card? As in, Video In, Video Out? Some are only video out, but if I understand what you're saying, if it's Video In as well, you're set.
I hope you arent asking if you can use the 360 video card on your pc. :confused:
Sorry guys I suck at explaining things... So I made this quick pathetic looking diagram to try and explain it.... better.

wait, all it has is that box-looking thing? Sorry, but I do believe that's Video Out from your card only. Seems you're SOL
My 7800GT has Svideo in and composite In, so I assume you would be able to hook the 360 up to the PC, but it would look like crap. Mine doesnt have that box looking thing though, just a connector w/ about 6 other connectors coming out of it.
It could be done (even though I didn't get my cable STB to work, but I'm lazy).

As Naldo already pointed out, it'll look like crap. Most people are saying they could only get the VIVO to work at 800 x 600 if it worked at all. My guess is the nVidia drivers aren't too great.

Save up for a decent HD set, and you'll thank yourself in the long run.
It's not that the nVidia drivers aren't great, it's that the Video in is an S-Video port. High Definition doesn't apply to S-Video, only componant or VGA. So aparently not bud, you COULD hook it up to your computer via the VIVO, but it wouldn't look anything like it would with the VGA adapter made specifically for that purpose.
If your monitor doesn't have two inputs ( Mine has DVI and VGA ), then couldn't you get the VGA cables for the 360 and a cheap KVM switch?
Well the only thing I know of working, is a VGA adapter, with the av plugs. And that is lik $50, but I figured since I have something kind of like that, I would try it.

But if it isn't going to work, then it is hopeless.
If you want to hook your 360 to your pc and your 7800 isn't vivo just buy a cheapo pci vivo card.
CKMorpheus said:
It's not that the nVidia drivers aren't great, it's that the Video in is an S-Video port. High Definition doesn't apply to S-Video, only componant or VGA. So aparently not bud, you COULD hook it up to your computer via the VIVO, but it wouldn't look anything like it would with the VGA adapter made specifically for that purpose.
The VIVO adaptor includes component, and the resolution is supposed to go up to 1024 x 768. Still not true HD, but it should look better.
Using the VGA box and getting splitter if needed is the best way. Do not bother with trying to use video in on the PC. Just hook directly to the monitor.
Maybe he doesn't have mulitple inputs on his monitor.