nv40/r420 or skip.


Limp Gawd
Mar 20, 2004
Should i buy one of these videos card in the near future. I should i keep my 9800pro and wait till after the N40 and R420 has come out and wait for the generation after that? I mean Doom 3 and Halflife 2 are going to run fine what i have now. So what do u think buy the n40 or r420 or skip this generation and wait till the next generation cards come out. Probaly by the end this year or earlier next year.
well, when doom3 and halflife2 come out(or official benchmarks based off the final code), look at their benchmarks on the newer cards. if the increase over the 9800pro isn't a huge amount in your book, then it would be wise to wait. but theres really no way to know right now.
Really that's about right. It all depends on what your definition of acceptable performance is. Personally I don't like anything less than 50 or 60 frames per second due to the drop that you will see when alot of action is going on. I never want any game to drop below 30 or 40.

For me the need to purchase a new video card is immediate. My 9600Pro barely cut it when it was new. Now the thing is old and the performance compared to the 9700Pro/9800Pro/9800SE/9800XT and even the 5900 series Nvidia cards is simply not acceptable. So I will purchase as soon as I have the money. I did a couple weeks ago but I wasn't going to purchase a 9800XT with NV40 and R420 so close.
Time has shown that the 9700Pro was a worthy upgrade even for top-of-the-line Ti4600 owners back when it released.

No matter what you do, an 8-pipe card will never perform like a 16-pipe board. (Same was said many moons ago, 8 vs. 4) This is the beginning of a new generation -- everything after this for the next 18 months or so is going to be an incremental upgrade.

If you buy an NV40/R420 now, you'll enjoy top-level performance for longer than anyone, just like the old 9700 Pro guys :)
My old Ti4600 is looking pretty pathetic and sad inside my case chugging away on UT2K4, I think an upgrade's in order.
The two year old 9700 Pro is still $200 -- I think people have to come to grips with the fact that there's a minimum cost to manufacturing these things, and that they'll never cross certain pricing thresholds until well after they have worn out their welcome.
Originally posted by onetwo
The two year old 9700 Pro is still $200 -- I think people have to come to grips with the fact that there's a minimum cost to manufacturing these things, and that they'll never cross certain pricing thresholds until well after they have worn out their welcome.

Actually they will as soon as they stop producing them.
Originally posted by drewb99
My old Ti4600 is looking pretty pathetic and sad inside my case chugging away on UT2K4, I think an upgrade's in order.

That TI4600 outruns my 9600Pro at UT2004. :eek:

Although for Far Cry I have to say that my 9600Pro doesn't do all that bad.
Originally posted by Sir-Fragalot
Actually they will as soon as they stop producing them.

...and when R420/NV40 variants are released that encroach upon that pricepoint.

At that point, I would say that the 9800 Pro will have 'worn out its welcome.' How many people still wanted a Ti4600 after the better-performing $299 9700NP was released?