NTFS Reporting Tool

exchange keys

Limp Gawd
Feb 18, 2009
I've been tasked to create a report of all the NTFS permissions of the file server (essentially who has access to what...). This file server is a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard box (guest VM), and it doesn't have FSRM installed.

I'm looking at PowerShell scripts to do this, but from previous experience, these reports can get like OMGYUSOBIG?ICANTREADTHISSHIT long. Figured there was a utility out there that will help me produce a big ass NTFS report of the file server, but with filtering options.

net command? > c:\file.txt

Yes...but no. Not really. Not at all, actually.

I was looking for something like this: http://www.cjwdev.co.uk/Software/NtfsReports/Info.html

However, this app needs to be installed on the computer though. I was mainly looking for an executable without an installer, which is a bummer 'cause I think this software is very clean and efficient. The free version doesn't provide an export option, but the paid version does. Exporting would be part of my request since I need to present it to upper management.
Actually, this PowerShell script also looks promising: http://mywinsysadm.wordpress.com/20...ting-ntfs-permissions-of-windows-file-shares/

I'm going to test it and see if it does what I need it to do.

let me know how it works.
I know I'll have some permissions to clean up on a server, that was setup by somebody other than me and permissions are all over the place.

I had found something before, although I can't remember what, seemed to do okay. I'll hafta see if I can find it again depending on your results from this ps script.