Not quite a case mod. 802.11b at 500 meters.


Mar 11, 2005
I have a new summer project that fell into my lap.

Long range wireless networking. I was going to work when I saw this laying on the side of the road.

I took it home and opened it up then removed it's guts. 3 LNB's, 2 wasp nests and a through cleaning later I was left with a nice cavity for placing an AP. I'm using a 200 miliwatt senao AP. With just the stock antenna on the AP placed at the focal point of the dish, I get a range of around 500 meters.

The plan is to replace the weather cover with a homebrew Yagi cantenna. The goal for this project is 1km. The holy grail is 1 mile.

More info to come.
that is great that you can transmit that far...but i don;t understand how, your laptop for example can send its signal all the way back..unless you have a second one
Well, a better antenna sends and receives signals better. ;) I'll put some pics up soon of it in action. (It's dark out and I don't have permission to use the camera)
Thats awesome! I need to put one at the hotel I work at.. el crappo wireless antenna there!
That blows the old "Pringles can antenna" (that was shown on TechTV's show The Screen Savers a few years ago) straight out of the water. Looks awesome........hope it works out for you.
Well with the proper equipment, you can sens the wireless signal to 10Km and more, still not hand modded by us! lol