Norman Antivirus sucks!!


[H]F Junkie
Dec 24, 2001
I downloaded some freeware AV program and voila a lot of trojan horses was found. Hell even spy sweeper found much more than my commercial Norman Antivirus! And when Norman Antivirus actually manage to find a virus or trojan horse 50 % of the time it can´t delete it!!
Norman antivirus? Sounds cheap.

My great grandmother always taught me that when it comes to computer software, never buy anything with a brand name that sounds very similar to another well known brand name.
Originally posted by vinnie
Norman antivirus? Sounds cheap.

My great grandmother always taught me that when it comes to computer software, never buy anything with a brand name that sounds very similar to another well known brand name.

Well it came with my internet service provider so you think it should at least be decent.

What other options are there that doesn´t totally ruin you. Freeware is a plus of course.
Originally posted by oqvist
Well it came with my internet service provider so you think it should at least be decent.

What other options are there that doesn´t totally ruin you. Freeware is a plus of course.

For freeware try AVG Free Edition. I've been using it for the past 5 day and I already love it. It is a hell of alot better then nortan antivirus. It uses less system resources and from what I've been reading it detects viruses better then most commercial software.

Well i hope that helps you.
Originally posted by YoUnAn
For freeware try AVG Free Edition. I've been using it for the past 5 day and I already love it. It is a hell of alot better then nortan antivirus. It uses less system resources and from what I've been reading it detects viruses better then most commercial software.

Well i hope that helps you.
yep, that's what i use too. i like it :D

also, for your spyware/malware/adware needs, USE SPYBOT S&D.

it's just the industry leader. oh yeah. and it's totally free.

EDITED: for spelling.
I second that seconded AVG recommendation. I got rid of my Norton AV and switched over to AVG and online scanning (courtesy of

When I saw this thread I thought you misspelled Norton...never heard of a Norman AV.
I also thought he was making fun of Norton AV.

I like my Norton AV Corporate Edition. No bloat and does the job well. It's not exactly free though.
Originally posted by Ice Czar
when you are ready to invest in security software
(recommended if your an occassional tourist on the darkside)

TDS-3, Process Guard, Port Explorer & WormGuard

provide the core aps of my security

your runing a firewall I presume?

Yes Norton has a pretty good reputation really but they aren´t on the piedestal anymore?

Anyway I started using AVG 2-3 days ago and now also run Kasperskys. So currently I run 3 antivirus programs and one firewall (that at least seems to work fine also Norman).

And since I run AVG noone of these finds any trojans or virus anymore so you are absolutely right.

Got a lot of Trojan Horses and other crap on my computer.

How does Trojan Horses differ from viruses btw? How dangerous are they?

But AVG I noticed wasn´t all freeware. For the latest version (7) there was only a free evaluation version. So what differs from version 6 to 7?
Originally posted by oqvist

How does Trojan Horses differ from viruses btw? How dangerous are they?

"A Trojan Horse is a program that infects your computer and allows a hacker to take control of your machine behind your back. A trojan infection can allow total remote access to your computer by a third party."

Unlike virus and worms, trojans do not replicate themselves so to get infected you must, one way or another, have downloaded the program onto your computer. This most commonly occurs when you download a program that pretends to be one thing while it is actually another. Hence the origin of the "Trojan" name.

Many people believe they are protected from trojans by their virus scanners. Unfortunately most virus scanners have only limited trojan detection capabilities. If you want serious protection you should install a specialized anti-trojan program in addition to your anti-virus scanner.

because there is the potential for a brain to be involved instead of just an automated routine, they are generally considered the most serious security breech

next thing you know your spaming viagra to half the internet
Originally posted by Ice Czar

because there is the potential for a brain to be involved instead of just an automated routine, they are generally considered the most serious security breech

next thing you know your spaming viagra to half the internet

Man now I am scared :eek:

That explains why spysweeper does so much better job than those AV programs. But you should think AV programs should handle this threats too.
really is funny to see some of the posts here. norton is good whether you realize it or not. the biggest problem most of you have is your personal end using habits. this is where most of your viral infestions are coming from. if you had just a bit of prevention you would make any program more effective.

the first rule on how to maintain protection is avoid viruses and threats. this is your first fault and has caused you to become program paranoid.

second rule you need to realize what a trojan is. which goes to the first rule. a war was won for a reason. think about it.
Originally posted by shaihulud
norton is

the complaint is about norman :p
which isnt all that bad as far as detection goes
most AV scanners do a poor job against trojans
(historically, they are getting better)

Eset NOD32 > 24 passes / 3 fails
Symantec Norton Anti Virus > 22 passes / 6 fails
Norman > 22 passes / 10 fails

The Virus Bulletin 100% Award is probably the most widely competed "qualification" among Anti Virus Companies
(they submit for testing)

The VB 100% logo is awarded to anti-virus products that:

Detect all In the Wild viruses during both on-demand and on-access scanning in Virus Bulletin's comparative tests.

Generate no false positives when scanning a set of clean files.

Habits go along way towards security, but there are those that choose to conduct their security studies with risky behavior by visiting blackhat sites
(best done on a single boxen isolated from any LAN) and others that trial alot of freeware (and sometimes it is compromised)
I happen to fall into both catagories, and yet have not been infected since I adopted my current security protocol over 2 years ago.

NOD32 (Widely considered the best AV going, more VB100% awards than any other progarm)

Execution Protection\Patches
HTAstop (freeware)
DSOstop (freeware)
WSH Anti-Polymorphism Patch (freeware)
AnalogX Script Defender (freeware)

Kerio (freeware)
Taskinfo 2003
RegistryProt (freeware)

Proxomitron (freeware)

Spyware Removal
AdAware (freeware)
SpyBot Search and Destroy (freeware)
HijackThis (freeware)

Filehecker (freeware)
Haxial Hash (freeware)

Local Host Proxy
Naviscope (freeware)

Security Checklist W2K

depending on what its role is that may include)

install Service Pack and hotfixes
close the vulnerable NetBIOS ports and cleanup bindings
Cofigure IPSec
Retrict access to LSA info

disable unecessary services

disable Guest account
setup my user account
rename Administrator account
create fake Administrator account (disabled)
enable network lockout of the true Administrator account
Limit the number of logon accounts
Remove the "Everyone" group and replace with "Authenticated Users" shares

disable HTML in e-mail
disable ActiveX
rename shscrap.dll to shscrapold;
install DSOstop
Unhide File extensions, protected files, all files and folders
disable default shares
Enable Encrypted File System
Encrypt the Temp Directory
setup to clear the paging file at shutdown
lockdown the registry
disabling or limiting WHS\VB\Java\Java Scripts (install HTAstop, Script Defender)
disable dumpfile creation
remove insecure subsystems (OS/2 and POSIX)
protect or remove: arp.exe \ at.exe \ cacls.exe \ cmd.exe \ \ cscript.exe \ debug.exe \ \ edlin.exe \ finger.exe \ ftp.exe \ pconfig.exe \ Issync.exe \ nbtstat.exe \ net.exe \ Net1.exe \ netstat.exe \ netsh.exe \ nslookup.exe \ ping.exe \ posix.exe \ qbasic.exe \ rcp.exe \ regedit.exe \ regedt32.exe \ regini.exe \ rexec.exe \ rsh.exe \ route.exe \ Runas.exe \ runonce.exe \ telnet.exe \ tftp.exe \ tracert.exe \ Tlntsvr.exe \ wscript.exe \ xcopy.exe
remove the .reg file association from the registry editor

Install and schedual trojan scanner, anti virus and intrusion detection
Install and configure Worm Guard and WHS Anti Polymorphisim patch

configure security policy control
enable auditing (logon, object, privilege, account management, policy, system)
set permissions on the security event log
set account lockout policy
assign user rights
set security options

Run Baseline Security Analyzer (freeware)
Run NessusWX (freeware)
>connect to the internet
Do a remote Port Scan

all depending on how paranoid Im am that day :p

Security Linkfarm Badly in need of an update :p
ice, if you READ my post its commentary is about viral infection and the general program paranoia. it is not about norman's free-isp-anitvirus-utility. careful with your corrections.

there is one thing i remember that helen keller said and it has always stuck with me. security is a false belief that man created. i may have said it wrong...but either way it is part of the paradigm.
I did read your post, and since there wasnt much slamin of norton
assumed you where addressing the original, the remainder of my post directly addressed the

the biggest problem most of you have is your personal end using habits. this is where most of your viral infestions are coming from. if you had just a bit of prevention you would make any program more effective.

to which my response in a nut shell is, nothing ventured nothing gained, I shall not be a wallflower :p

However appropriate measures should be taken
(especialy employing Win32) if one chooses to walk on the wild side, I am not so naive as to think Im secure, the only secure computer is one thats turned off, encased in cement and guarded by a 19 year old with a rifle :p

It is truely unfortunate that the soapbox is no longer with the forums or we could take up the finer points of philosophical ruminations like beleif structures and reality ;)

> edit
Pros and cons for admins on visiting hacker sites
may require membership (TechRepublic) which is free
oqvist, comments was not against norton as much as it was for it. i commented that for all in here that if they realize it or not it is good, although a cost. i find it funny when many users have multiple redundant software because of paranoia of viruses and hackers. there is a proper method when using computers. many do not realize this. most do not recongnize that the end user is usally the root of the problem. i did understand your affirmations, your address about norton confused me.

nothing is impregnable......
I use Nod32, except on my "high risk" darkside rig. (I'm smart enough to have a machine dedicated to the purpose of going places where others fear to tread.) On that rig, I use a very stripped down incarnation of Win98Lite. It is so barebones, that there is little to attack. If the black hats get it, I'll notice right away because the entire rig will run on a Zip disk. It does have ZA and AVG, though. Unfortunately, Nod32 isn't compatible with it.
Originally posted by shaihulud
oqvist, comments was not against norton as much as it was for it. i commented that for all in here that if they realize it or not it is good, although a cost. i find it funny when many users have multiple redundant software because of paranoia of viruses and hackers. there is a proper method when using computers. many do not realize this. most do not recongnize that the end user is usally the root of the problem. i did understand your affirmations, your address about norton confused me.

nothing is impregnable......

But didn´t you read either the topic title or Ice Czars reply to your post?

It´s not about Norton it´s Norman! It´s a totally different AV program!

And if you got a broadband connection like I do you aren´t safe just because you aren´t visiting the dark side that is for sure. You do get viruses no matter what sooner or later.
It is truely unfortunate that the soapbox is no longer with the forums or we could take up the finer points of philosophical ruminations like belief structures and reality
I really wonder if it would help. ;)
Originally posted by mosin
I use Nod32, except on my "high risk" darkside rig. (I'm smart enough to have a machine dedicated to the purpose of going places where others fear to tread.) On that rig, I use a very stripped down incarnation of Win98Lite. It is so barebones, that there is little to attack. If the black hats get it, I'll notice right away because the entire rig will run on a Zip disk. It does have ZA and AVG, though. Unfortunately, Nod32 isn't compatible with it.

I've wanted to run Win from a zip disk for the longest time, but my zip disk holds important information and is a part of my LAN, so I can't really use it as such. :(
oqvist, your not reading my posts. read the very fist one and think just a little it will come to you. hint: do not selectively read. read it all the way through.

virus infections has nothign to do with broadband. it has to do with the very fact that you have and use a computer. broadband is just one of the means of transmission. it is your very method of usage and knowledge that can prevent infection.
Originally posted by shaihulud
oqvist, your not reading my posts. read the very fist one and think just a little it will come to you. hint: do not selectively read. read it all the way through.

virus infections has nothign to do with broadband. it has to do with the very fact that you have and use a computer. broadband is just one of the means of transmission. it is your very method of usage and knowledge that can prevent infection.

Well now you didn´t read my post again!

here is your qoute:

"really is funny to see some of the posts here. norton is good whether you realize it or not. the biggest problem most of you have is your personal end using habits. this is where most of your viral infestions are coming from. if you had just a bit of prevention you would make any program more effective.

the first rule on how to maintain protection is avoid viruses and threats. this is your first fault and has caused you to become program paranoid.

second rule you need to realize what a trojan is. which goes to the first rule. a war was won for a reason. think about it."


Ýes your habits do affect the risk of being infected. Like being connected to the internet regardless of user habits!

So you think you are safe without any AV programs or Spy sweepers? If you just stick to checking your mailbox which in itself is quite risky ;)

So I don´t understand why you try to be smart? Broadband isn´t as safe as using a modem. With a modem you get a separate IP-number each time and you aren´t connected at all time.

You have absolutely no idea what fault I have made except connecting my computer to an internet connection if that in any way may be considered a misstake :rolleyes:

Yes I know it´s risky business that is why I use AV programs and firewalles to reduce the risks :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ’m‚³‚ñ
I've wanted to run Win from a zip disk for the longest time, but my zip disk holds important information and is a part of my LAN, so I can't really use it as such. :(
The formula:

1) El cheap-o, but good rig. My Asus P5A is the bomb! I run a K6-III 400...OC'd to the max...whatever that is....550-600? :D

2) Zip drives...Now the lan is happy. Isolate this machine as much as you can, though.

1) little HD...say, a 4.3...I have a couple of Fujitsu ones in my rig.

Get and tweak Win98Lite, but keep notebook. It will take awhile to strip out everything that can be stripped out, but you can get it really lean. Get Firebird, ZA, AVG, hide your IP, and you are all set! :)

(If you are old, you need Winamp, so you can listen to Diana Krall.)
Originally posted by mosin
The formula:

1) El cheap-o, but good rig. My Asus P5A is the bomb! I run a K6-III 400...OC'd to the max...whatever that is....550-600? :D

2) Zip drives...Now the lan is happy. Isolate this machine as much as you can, though.

1) little HD...say, a 4.3...I have a couple of Fujitsu ones in my rig.

Get and tweak Win98Lite, but keep notebook. It will take awhile to strip out everything that can be stripped out, but you can get it really lean. Get Firebird, ZA, AVG, hide your IP, and you are all set! :)

(If you are old, you need Winamp, so you can listen to Diana Krall.)

This might be an interesting adventure... I'm going to have to get another ZIP drive before I try this though... Would I need a ZIP 100 drive or ZIP 250? :p

LMAO @ the winamp comment. ;)
what you said
Yes Norton has a pretty good reputation really but they aren´t on the piedestal anymore?

really is funny to see some of the posts here
commenting on the usage (extreme, paranoid, and conservative), personal experience, and knowledge

me again:
norton is good whether you realize it or not
this is in relation to your comment on NORTON anti virus. it is good if you realize it or not.

what i said to ice:
oqvist, comments was not against norton as much as it was for it. i commented that for all in here that if they realize it or not it is good, although a cost

i normally do not use quotes. i think it is pretentious. i assume that everyone reads all the commentary of others and see the collective argument. the web site was provided and even a google will tell of the application-which i did see. im not getting smart. i am saying that when you point a finger three are pointing back at you.

since i am not in person to explain my statement to you, this can be understood; your view of my commentary. so do not think i am getting smart. my tone with you was not as your tone with me. im giving you more credit than you are giving yourself.

my philosophical statement has more to deal with the medical idea of universal contamination (this is a osha concept). you have to consider everything is infected. so now we go back to my statements of prevention, etc........
Originally posted by ’m‚³‚ñ
This might be an interesting adventure... I'm going to have to get another ZIP drive before I try this though... Would I need a ZIP 100 drive or ZIP 250? :p

LMAO @ the winamp comment. ;)
A 100 will do fine. You should be able to pick one up for $10-15.

By the way, I like Diana Krall...Alanis Morrisette, too. There's something about having women sing to me...even crazy, mad ones, like Tori Amos.

Now some admin will give me the handle "[H]ard's weirdo" :eek:
Originally posted by mosin
A 100 will do fine. You should be able to pick one up for $10-15.

By the way, I like Diana Krall...Alanis Morrisette, too. There's something about having women sing to me...even crazy, mad ones, like Tori Amos.

Now some admin will give the the handle "[H]ard's weirdo" :eek:

Haha. I might convert a box to run off the Zip drive, and to share it, but I don't know how those files are going to stay... Perhaps, I could put them in a different location (haven't thought about that yet).

I've seen some zip 100 drives local, but they've been expensive ($100+).
Originally posted by mosin

By the way, I like Diana Krall...Alanis Morrisette, too. There's something about having women sing to me...even crazy, mad ones, like Tori Amos.

Now some admin will give the the handle "[H]ard's weirdo" :eek:

I'll counter with Charlotte Church's Rendition of Lakme's Flower Duet

now who's weird :p

Originally posted by shaihulud
i normally do not use quotes. i think it is pretentious.

if the commentary follows directly, Id agree, if not...
or if there is any room for confusion,
this is a pretty fast forum (more so in [G]H),
so you cant count on everyone reading all the posts ;)
I'll counter with Charlotte Church's Rendition of Lakme's Flower Duet
Yeah, you are pretty weird alright. That's for sure.
I'll have to think over that Charlotte Church comment while I'm listening to Jim Kweskin's Jug Band. :D

Charlotte Church sings well, especially considering that she is only seventeen years old.

I apologize for hijacking the thread. It won't happen again...for awhile. ;)

I've seen some zip 100 drives local, but they've been expensive ($100+).
I'll give you one for free, complete with a Zip disk. You pay actual UPS shipping. Maybe you can send me some CD-R blanks, or something..or not...whatever. PM me.