Noobie ?: Does the latest Patch include all previous patches


Jul 23, 2007
Super noobie question.

I bought World in Conflict and a couple other games. I noticed that there are 7+ patches for each game. Does patch #7 include all of the info from patches 1-6 or do I need to download and install all 7 patches individually?

I'm not that sure since I don't play it, but check the file sizes. If it's a cumulative patch, it'd be bigger than all the ones previous (i.e. patch 7 > patches 1 - 6 combined). Unless my logic is horribly wrong, which it may be :p
Best bet is to download the last patch and try using it. If it fails you need to install previous ones.
Normally patches like that will say what type they are, IE: Incremental Patch 1.20 > 1.50 which means that that patch contains the changes from version 1.2 to 1.5. The patch that you want is the Standalone Patch, it will say that and show this instead 1.00 > 1.70 this encompasses all the changes and will have a bigger profile.

Incremental: periodic/small changes

Standalone: contains all changes
The last one out doesn't contain all of them so you have to do 1.0 to 1.3 to 1.3 to 1.5 etc.
It's a pain in the ass, I had to do it a few weeks ago.
That is a good question. It depends on the game. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Usually the file name of the patch or the documentation will tell you whether it's a cumulative patch or not.

Sometimes a previous patch will include a new map, (Patch 1.4 for CoD4 includes Winter Crash), so you have to install that one, and then after that you install 1.5.

I'd say that the patches are usually cumulative, unless otherwise stated.
Yeah filesize can be a good indicator or less its like the Company of Heroes patch that went to 1.7.1 something to 2.101 something and was 1.75 gigs....... Usually though if you need other patches you will get a message in the installation saying "To install this patch you need patch 1.4 first" or something like that
Yeah filesize can be a good indicator or less its like the Company of Heroes patch that went to 1.7.1 something to 2.101 something and was 1.75 gigs....... Usually though if you need other patches you will get a message in the installation saying "To install this patch you need patch 1.4 first" or something like that

Company of Heroes patches are just freaking insane. Had to download 2.1 gigs of patches just to get to the point of playing.