noob wanting to setup a file server.


Jun 17, 2004
would like to create a server using the dell SC420(if i buy it in the next 2 days), something i've always wanted to do but never knew were to start. Not wanting to make this a public server, just something for the pc's in the lan to have access to.

Can't afford windows 2003 and i don't know have a clue how to do it in linux.

can it be done with xp? would an ftp server do the trick? The whole idea of sharing folders is to slow and would like to setup something faster.

any how-to guides or tips would help.
Folder sharing is going to be a whole lot easier, and probably faster, than FTP or other alternatives. I'd stick with that.
lets say i drop the cash for 2003, would i be able to set something up faster than folder sharing?

I'm also betting upgrading the router would improve the folder sharing, the cheap $10 wireless belkin router running 6 pc's doesn't seem to cut it. a nice gigabit router may help out, 4 of the 6 already have a gigabit nic's. The dell SC420 i belive also has a gigabit port.
When you say "it's not fast enough" -- how slow are we talking? I can get about 80% throughput on 100Mbps without any problems. Barring gigabit, you won't go any faster -- and you probably don't need to.

//edit: wait a sec... how's this network rigged? How many comps on wireless?

Anyway, barring gigabit, the network is your bottleneck. After that, it's a tossup between network and hard drive. It's not operating system.
hmm... does windows xp support nfs ? installing linux w/ nfs is a breeze. additionally, you could use linux with samba which you could provide you with folder sharing via smb protocol (ie: they'd look like regular ol' windows folder shares to other windows boxes).
cable modem to router. router has build in 4 port switch, all ports are in use and we have 2 laptops running of the wireless.

will mostly likely just use xp and folder sharing for the server.

I have a netgear router not in use. Would i see any importment if i set it up as a switch and pulled in the 4 pc's into it?
I don't think the extra switch would make much, if any, difference. The comps on wireless should naturally see slower connections, but I expect shared folders will be fine.