Nokia IP130 and Cisco 3550

Sep 4, 2008

I have a problem with a Nokia IP130 and a Cisco 3550.

Both devices are working fine separately but not together. The link between them is not going to 100-Full or half. It's working only on 10-Full and Half. I tried all combinations.

My question is: Did somebody had this problems and how did you resolved it?

I did a lot of tests I changed the IOS on the switch and also the IPSO on Nokia. I wrote the EEPROMs of the Nokia interfaces. I tested the IP130 with other 3550 switches and it is the same, not going to 100Mbps only 10Mbps. If I am connecting the Nokia to my laptop or my Juniper NS5GT is working fine in 100Mbps. I don't have any errors on interfaces on Nokia or switch. When I am connecting the IP130 to the switch I see in logs link-flap....errdisable. I changed the cables because Cisco says it could be a physical layer problem but nothing.

i had that trouble too. i even put m0n0 wall on it and tried forcing it to 100fdx and it still wouldn't... so i replaced it with a dell gx150 and ipcop.