No More DRM From EA!!!

I honestly can't tell if you're joking or taking this seriously... I really can't.
It's only one game. Even if they don't find a way to screw this up. So saying "no more drm from EA" is most likely not the case. This might be another trial of that "Lets see if we get more sales without DRM than with" type thing again.
No indication that EA's ditching DRM with Sims 3, just ditching online authentication. I imagine there's some other mechanism in place besides a CD key (just because this is EA we're talking about here), and I'm damn certain the DVD itself will be protected. Naturally, I've got cash in hand to plunk down on this time-waster, but not until I get some kind of confirmation about what the DRM situation actually is.

Now, EA did "ship" a number of titles on Steam that didn't have any third-party DRM attached, so this may very well be another step in the right direction for the anti-DRM "movement".
Maybe, but the Sims franchise is a huge cash crop for EA. It would be silly for them to not use DRM for The Sims but then put it on something less popular.
That is true. I thought about that... but maybe they're actually trying this time. Unlike the other trial where it was a game that isn't all that good. Unless this game turns out bad, though I doubt it'll be bad enough to turn fans off of it.
unless they fix the drm on the games i own from them already...i'm still gonna be disapointed with ea
Maybe, but the Sims franchise is a huge cash crop for EA. It would be silly for them to not use DRM for The Sims but then put it on something less popular.

The sims probably is far less likely to be pirated than some other games just by its nature, though. It will sell tons of copies to the more casual crowd. A high powered fps or similar game that is mostly just a tech demo would probably see a much higher piracy rate as tech-savvy people just want to try it out.
The sims probably is far less likely to be pirated than some other games just by its nature, though. It will sell tons of copies to the more casual crowd. A high powered fps or similar game that is mostly just a tech demo would probably see a much higher piracy rate as tech-savvy people just want to try it out.

Just like Cliffy B said. You guys with those pwnage PCs are usually pirates! OMG!

Seriously though. Even I play the Sims. It'd make it easier on the casual crowd to not have to bring over a PC literate relative because their Sims won't work because of some DRM quirk.
The sims probably is far less likely to be pirated than some other games just by its nature, though. It will sell tons of copies to the more casual crowd. A high powered fps or similar game that is mostly just a tech demo would probably see a much higher piracy rate as tech-savvy people just want to try it out.

I doubt it. I bet people pirate EA games just because they're EA games. :p
Meh, you watch here in the next couple of years they will have us give out our social security number to purchase games.
I doubt it. I bet people pirate EA games just because they're EA games. :p

Probably. I've felt the 'urge' to just because I've been bit in the ass by a crappy EA game before. However, run down the street to Blockbuster for the console version, and check out the gameplay for $6. Better than losing $50-$60.
The sims 3 will sell bucket loads. its nearly on par in terms of sheer size and amount of copies sold to the likes of wow.

Like many, people dont have a problem with DRM, its the online activation and install limit that takes the piss. get rid of those two factors and EA have my money on this title no doubt.
To alot of people who play casual games and don't really know about the more technical parts, they probably don't even realize there was DRM installed in their computer. That's probably why. I mean, Install Limits and authorization from an online source, is there, and it gets in the way big time, when they install it.

It's most likely the reason there are so many big complaints about those.
At least its a start. Maybe they'll reconsider their whole line of games if it goes good.
back to stardock?
OR did they find something worse?

Challenge Everything
yep challenge that 12 yr old to get mommy to buy the next EA release
its leet
This could backfire very easily. As soon as they see the numbers for Sims 3 not stacking up to the original, they'll instant come to the conclusion that it's lack of DRM, and not because the game may suck or that the market just isn't interested or that people simply want to continue playing Sims 2 or that sequels tend not do to as well as iterations go on.
It will have copy protection, just not the online activation and install limits that caused them so much grief.
This is a good game to not use much DRM:
A: it will sell a ton of copies
B: EA would have been bombarded by soccer moms pissed off about the Draconian DRM on their kids' game.

And nothing in this world is worse than a soccer mom.
Wow. I guess that must be why nobody buys any copies of any games ever.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion had no DRM at all. no cd key, no disk copy protection, nothing, and it still sold very well and made alot of money for its owners. It is clear, make a quality game and people will buy it and they will feel good for doing so, that is as long as legit buyers dont have to jump thru more hoops then the pirates do.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion had no DRM at all. no cd key, no disk copy protection, nothing, and it still sold very well and made alot of money for its owners. It is clear, make a quality game and people will buy it and they will feel good for doing so, that is as long as legit buyers dont have to jump thru more hoops then the pirates do.

i think it checked to make sure the cd was in the drive, though.

but i completely agree with you. Make good games = win/win for everyone.
i think it checked to make sure the cd was in the drive, though.

But I completely agree with you. Make good games = win/win for everyone.

It may have, but the CD was not protected in any way, you could use a copy of the disk and it would still work without any hacks.
back to stardock?
OR did they find something worse?

Challenge Everything
yep challenge that 12 yr old to get mommy to buy the next EA release
its leet

StarFORCE not Stardock. Stardock is the company thats all about no or minimal as hell DRM and supporting users rights to resell games and not be tied to a DD service when they buy something digitally.

And yeah, they're old slogan was hilarious. EA has changed in the last couple years though, they realized they were driving themselves into the ground with their old business model. Ricitello (or however its spelled) has done a lot of good for EA since he took over.
Woah waoh, we can't assume a trend from a single instance of a game, especially one which hasn't even been released yet!

Anyway I hope this is the start of a trend for EA where they dial it down a notch, I know Im happy to enter CD keys and at a push keep the disc in the drive while I play, anything more than that is a waste of time.
Woah waoh, we can't assume a trend from a single instance of a game, especially one which hasn't even been released yet!

Anyway I hope this is the start of a trend for EA where they dial it down a notch, I know Im happy to enter CD keys and at a push keep the disc in the drive while I play, anything more than that is a waste of time.

Personally I'd just rather buy EA games from Steam and avoid the whole CDkey/disc check thing entirely. I'm not big the whole boxed copy thing anymore, expect for the rare time when there is a good special/collectors/limited edition release of a game I'm really looking forward to.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion had no DRM at all. no cd key, no disk copy protection, nothing, and it still sold very well and made alot of money for its owners. It is clear, make a quality game and people will buy it and they will feel good for doing so, that is as long as legit buyers dont have to jump thru more hoops then the pirates do.

That's my point. Galactic Civilizations II had no copy protection, not even disc-based, and Stardock pulled back 5:1 on their total investment. Sins of a Solar Empire is a very similar story. I don't know 2DBoy's financial numbers, but I do know that in their own opinion based on releasing titles with and without DRM that DRM is useless.

I guess maybe you *can* compete with free?
This could backfire very easily. As soon as they see the numbers for Sims 3 not stacking up to the original, they'll instant come to the conclusion that it's lack of DRM, and not because the game may suck or that the market just isn't interested or that people simply want to continue playing Sims 2 or that sequels tend not do to as well as iterations go on.

Conspiracy theory time!

Perhaps EA is planning on Sims 3 not selling too well and use that as an excuse to say "we tried DRM free and it didn't work out" regardless of the actual reason. Afterward we'd be stuck with even more draconian DRM because it is 'proven' to work.

Of course, people and businesses almost never risk loosing money just to make a statement. Hopefully this is simply a sign that EA has loosened up.
This title was cut off. It should read "No more DRM from EA"...*normally ends here*..."in games designed for people that are not savvy enough to deal with fucking retarded draconian DRM schemes. If we did incorporate the type of DRM we want, nobody that this game is targeted for would be able to figure it out. Expect our DRM practices to return to normal in the next game that is targeted more at more core-gamers."
This title was cut off. It should read "No more DRM from EA"...*normally ends here*..."in games designed for people that are not savvy enough to deal with fucking retarded draconian DRM schemes. If we did incorporate the type of DRM we want, nobody that this game is targeted for would be able to figure it out. Expect our DRM practices to return to normal in the next game that is targeted more at more core-gamers."

Except ya know Burnout: Paradise is a core game and has no DRM at all either....
Wow. I guess that must be why nobody buys any copies of any games ever.

No dude that's not the point at all and you know it. The point is, the people who buy games are out-represented by the ones who pirate said game. Case in point COD4 sold amazingly well across all 3 platforms however it was also pirated to hell and back on the PC. IW knows this and although they made a crap ton of money on the title they can't help but wonder how much potential money they lost when they see a couple of million people log into to play MP on craked servers worldwide. Oh and ya, they know not every pirated copy represents a lost sale but even if 10% more people would have bought the game if not for pirating it thats still a substantial loss. Bottom line is, pirates canabalize our platform no matter how you look at it. There's no way to justify it, sorry.
No dude that's not the point at all and you know it. The point is, the people who buy games are out-represented by the ones who pirate said game. Case in point COD4 sold amazingly well across all 3 platforms however it was also pirated to hell and back on the PC. IW knows this and although they made a crap ton of money on the title they can't help but wonder how much potential money they lost when they see a couple of million people log into to play MP on craked servers worldwide. Oh and ya, they know not every pirated copy represents a lost sale but even if 10% more people would have bought the game if not for pirating it thats still a substantial loss. Bottom line is, pirates canabalize our platform no matter how you look at it. There's no way to justify it, sorry.

At least a studio like IW has the intelligence to look at piracy rationally and to understand the market. Its a skill that most studios simply do no possess.
Even if this were true (and I doubt it is) EA would have an ace of failure up its sleeve. You probably have to connect with an authenication server and active your game so it does not solve the DRM hassle it just changes the game.

I'm so sick and tired of DRM , I bought Fallout 3 the day it came out all excited.. took it home and TRIED to install it for 5 hours and you know why it wouldn't let me? Because I had blindwrite , nero installed on my PC .. Securom REFUSED to install because I had CD burning software installed :mad:

I tried for days afterward and was so pissed off by this and the fact that Securom released a supposed .exe fix that did nothing at all , I was so mad that I bought a fresh hard drive (got a 300 gig for about 40 dollars) and installed a fresh copy of windows vista and guess what? I was able to install Fallout 3 fine without any CD burning software previously installed ..HOW RETARDED is this??!!???

I'm an honest customer who paid good money for a game I was pretty hyped up reading about and in reality I should have just gotten it for my 360 where I know it would work fine and without DRM install hassles .. Its a sad state of gaming for the PC when a smoother experience can be had on a console these days.

Sad indeed.
Even if this were true (and I doubt it is) EA would have an ace of failure up its sleeve. You probably have to connect with an authenication server and active your game so it does not solve the DRM hassle it just changes the game.

I'm so sick and tired of DRM , I bought Fallout 3 the day it came out all excited.. took it home and TRIED to install it for 5 hours and you know why it wouldn't let me? Because I had blindwrite , nero installed on my PC .. Securom REFUSED to install because I had CD burning software installed :mad:

I tried for days afterward and was so pissed off by this and the fact that Securom released a supposed .exe fix that did nothing at all , I was so mad that I bought a fresh hard drive (got a 300 gig for about 40 dollars) and installed a fresh copy of windows vista and guess what? I was able to install Fallout 3 fine without any CD burning software previously installed ..HOW RETARDED is this??!!???

I'm an honest customer who paid good money for a game I was pretty hyped up reading about and in reality I should have just gotten it for my 360 where I know it would work fine and without DRM install hassles .. Its a sad state of gaming for the PC when a smoother experience can be had on a console these days.

Sad indeed.

why diddnt you just reformat your hdd? Or do some research and check for the solution?
Dude trust me I did research , how do you think I found the updated securom .exe? Reformatting was out of the question for my main drive .. I don't think I should have to reformat to play ONE game. Its not as if its my fault for wanting to burn DVD's :p

I couldn't even use NO-CD hacks because it required windows live , so I had obsticle after obsticle.
It's like the end of the movie where the evil has been defeated. But there will be a sequel..