No Local Area Connection... what's going on?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 17, 2002
My PC just arrived in Germany after a long trip from Korea and most things are working except one thing. I don't have a local area connection in my network connections window. I can't connect my router which means I can't use Vonage or my wireless network. The odd thing is, I'm on the net with this computer right now. My 1384 connection doesn't show up in the network connections either. So far I've:

Uninstalled and reinstalled the network drivers.
Booted into safe mode to look for hidden duplicates. There were none.
Just tried the Winsockxp Fix (mostly for grins).... didn't work.

What's left? This is very bizarre considering I can get online by plugging the modem into the computer. I can access my router by plugging my router into the computer but I can't get an internet connection. It just doesn't see it. Can anyone help?