Newegg Downloadable Software

I downloaded Ultimate Doom (can't find my original Doom disc's for the life of me) and it came as a .hqx file. Downloaded Winzip and extracted it, and out came a .sit file. Downloaded StuffIt Expander to extract it and out came a group of unusable files.

I then called NewEgg for help who after 5 minutes of looking gave me the number to Digital River. Called them and they said it's a Mac only game.

At NewEgg the game appears to be a windows version by looking at the picture of the box, no where is it listed that this will not work in windows. I will call them tomorrow to see if they have another version or can give me a refund.

Link to the game
This is an aside really, but I looked at the software and didn't see a single one that is on my machine, or one that I want for that matter. My rig must be setup weird, I suppose. Oh, well.