Newbie windows XP question...


Limp Gawd
Dec 25, 2002
Aight I've really never messed with XP to much, I've mostly just used 2k so I don't know how to fix this problem. When the computer is booted up and everything loads up then the "my documents" folder opens twice. I've looked in the start-up folder and installed autoruns but niether of them have anything of the sort listed. And I'm out of ideas. I have ran spybot to make sure it wasn't some ad-ware doing it, but it didn't help.

Thanks Ryan
Go to run ad type "msconfig" and see what XP has starting for services. I would un-check stuff that is not self explanitory one by one and see if that resolves the My Docs issue.
Woh.. Hold on now. Dont uncheck services in msconfig!
Run msconfig and look in the Startup tab, see if anything there looks unusual.
I cant even get msconfig to open. It asks like it is loading something but then nothing happens.
woah, I forgot to mention to go to the "startup" tab and work from there and see what happens.
You shouldn't just "Uncheck" stuff in start up tab. I started doing that and I messed up some of the stuff on my PC. I then started googling the services that I didn't know about and I learned what they ment and weather I should keep them off or on. Just a tip for the future....
ComputerBox34 said:
You shouldn't just "Uncheck" stuff in start up tab. I started doing that and I messed up some of the stuff on my PC. I then started googling the services that I didn't know about and I learned what they ment and weather I should keep them off or on. Just a tip for the future....

I dont know what problems you may have run into, but with the exception of firewall/antivirus apps, you wont usually find anything critical in the startup section. Mine, for example, has only the following apps:
Nvidia control panel
Nvidia Soundstorm Mixer
Epson Printer Monitor
MSN Messenger

I can disable them all and run fine.
Services, on the other hand, are a completely different issue.