New case for Xbox360?? Anyone?


Oct 28, 2005
When I first got my 360, and realized how hot it run's. I immediately wanted to make another case, but since it's so damn expensive, I won't be doing that till my 90 day warranty is up, so until then I have to think of designs to make the case. Even though it won't be as cool as say that DOOM case that was on here, or anything even close. But I would like it too be pretty nice.

As anyone else thought of this? Or has already begun to do so? Because I know I want mine water cooled once I get it going. And thanks to I can hopefully remove the factory heatsinks and such, to access these chips to even come close to water cooling it.
THESE bad boys beat ya to it! But yes, it's very doable, so...go ahead and post pics when you're done! :D
no no, sorry I should have been more clear. I saw that, and that was pretty sweet. But I mean a whole new case! like a computer case, or a slim case... nothing having to do the orginal product, except internals I guess.
Hmmm, maybe install a small small power supply in it with alot of quiet fans? That would really fix the problems. Maybe make a enclosure for hte power brick with fans?
If you're feel like trying something more you could also try to make a case that would house the "insides" of both the 360 and the Xbox and have a dual system.

Now that would be badass. Wouldn't have to worry about BC anyway...and you could have both systems setup in the same housing.

I thought about doing that but it'd be like every other project. I get it down on paper and that's as far as it gets.
I sold my orginal. So that's out of the questions, and yes the power supply will have it's own case as well. Well probably inside of it, but cooled down tremndously.
Ya making it smaller would be a problem, but if it was water cooled that should allow my to run it cooler. I am expecting the case for me to build will be costly, but I don't want it too look like an actual computer, just a nice "console" like case.