New Card Advice


Jul 5, 2007

I will be visting the USA soon (UK resident) and want buy a graphice card while I am there. My main use will be video editing and photo editing. I will also want to watch HD content in the future.

I have a 2.13 Dual core processor sat in a Dell 9200. I have the 256MB X1300 that they bundle with it. Is that sufficient fo the editing?

I don't really play games on the pc.

I will also have a 24" LCD to support.

Sorry for the simple questions, a new domain for me!

Photo and Video editing use more CPU than anything else, I think you should be OK with that card.
not sure if the X1300 has dual link DVI with HDCP youll need for HD video

you may want to look at a 8600 or HD2600
If you're not going to be doing any gaming, I'd take a nod to the HD 2600XT GDDR4. Less CPU utilisation in decoding H.264 than G84, and draws less power. You'd still be more than capable though of playing some older stuff if you do ever feel the need.