New Asus P6T build with no boot


Jan 9, 2009
Having problems with my newly-assembled computer. When I turn on the power switch the fans just start to turn and then stop. Motherboard lights stay lit. But no other activity. If I push the power switch again nothing at all happens. If I unplug the power supply and then try again the fans will start to spin up. I also noticed after opening up the case and trying to turn on the power that there was also a bright flash of light that looked like it was coming from ICH1OR chipset.
Have checked all power connections many times. Everything appears to be hooked up properly.
At this point only have 1 sata hard drive and one sata dvd drive and the video card installed on system. Also, did try reseating the memory with no change in acitivity.

System specs:
Asus P6T Deluxe
Corsair 8 gig memory
Asus ENGTX280 PCIE video card
Corsair HX 1000W PSU
Cooler Master HAF Case

This is the first system I’ve built in over 5 years, so I got the pre-built and tested motherboard bundle with processor from Mwave. Put the rest of it together myself. Did I short-circuit something?

Am on my way to work now, so won’t be back online for at least 8 hours.

Have you tried resetting the CMOS using the jumper and removing the battery for a good 5-10 minutes?

Also, do you have any spare PSU's you can try? My IP35-Pro was doing that exact same thing and it ended up being my PSU that it didn't like (which worked in every other system without a hitch :mad: ).
You can also try just booting the system with 1 stick of RAM I doubt this the issue but the fewer parts you have installed the less that can be wrong. Also unplug the SATA and PATA stuff and try to get a boot.
Tried reseting the CMOS and taking out the battery. No luck.

Even went ahead and took everything out and looked the board over for any signs of damage. After replacing everything still the same problem.

Don't have an extra power supply on hand I can use.

Will try unplugging the SATA connections and then play around with one stick of RAM if that doesn't work.

Thanks for the suggestions
Tried the Sata and memory suggestions. That didn't work either.

Still a momentary spin up of fans and then they stop. Lights stay on on the motherboard.
I know this is a dumb question but you do have both the power plugs plugged in to the motherboard right. I'm talking about the extra 12v plug that plugs in
Just an update. Problem turned out to be the PSU - the HX 1000W model. Didn't have an extra PSU on hand and so thought it would be worth picking up a cheaper Antec PSU from Best Buy before sending the board back for replacement. System boots fine with the Antec.
Thanks for all the suggestions. One lesson I learned from this is to set up a barebone system outside the case to ensure the essential items are working properly before going through the hassle of a complete installation. Would have saved me a heckuva lot of time if I had done that to begin with.
Unfortunately, I'm having the same exact problem with a P6T Deluxe. Using 3 x Corsair Dominator 2GB 1600MHz 8-8-8-24 memory. So far I've tried the following:

-Reset CMOS by using jumper and battery removal method.

-Unplugged everything (all SATA connections, USB headers, etc), leaving only one stick of memory in the A1 slot (orange one closest to the CPU).

-Swapped out the PSU, the same result ensues.

All fans turn on and the asus white LED goes on, but there is no POST and no video output whatsoever. I've attached a speaker to the mobo as well.

Anyone have any ideas???
I just built a system practically identical yesterday, worked like a charm for me

Asus P6T Deluxe
Corsair 6 gig dominator 8-8-8-24 kit
Corsair HX 1000W PSU
Cooler Master HAF Case
Radeon 4870 1gb for now

One thing about the RAM, make sure if you're testing with 1 stick you use the FIRST orange slot closest to the processor. Key word being ORANGE. The others won't do it if I recall correctly, double check the manual there's info about it in there.

Word of warning: DO NOT update the bios through vista. I nearly shit a brick when I did and my system never rebooted. Turned out I just had to manually power on, and power off, and then it worked. Windows went through all the restarting process but never actually restarted.

Vista = the lose. I was stupid to not do it through dos, I have no idea waht compelled me to go against everything I've praised for years... lol
Just an update. Problem turned out to be the PSU - the HX 1000W model. Didn't have an extra PSU on hand and so thought it would be worth picking up a cheaper Antec PSU from Best Buy before sending the board back for replacement. System boots fine with the Antec.
Thanks for all the suggestions. One lesson I learned from this is to set up a barebone system outside the case to ensure the essential items are working properly before going through the hassle of a complete installation. Would have saved me a heckuva lot of time if I had done that to begin with.

Glad you got it figured out.

I hear ya on the barebones thing. I'm gonna look into having a mounting plate or open frame for testing out the essentials of my next build.
My P6T no post resolution:

I just bought a new i7 920 and a regular P6T and thing would not post. I managed to get everything working, but there were several things wrong. First Asus had a cap covering half the 8pin power for the cpu. I don't know if this is normal, but I didnt notice the cap, and only plugged in a 4pin power into the open half.

After I plugged in the 8pin I still had no post. Everything was powering up though (even with only 4pin 12v). I had 3 2Gb ram chips all in the orange slots. After much searching through google, some people were mentioning possible ram issues. I pulled out the stick in 3rd slot and sure enough the machine booted. I installed the OS and updated the mobo firmware in hopes that would boot with all 6 chips.

The mobo did boot after the firmware upgrade, but still didn't see the final stick of ram. Just for additional info I was resetting the cmos after every step as it seemed everyone suggested that it needed to be done. Anyways, after more googling, I found a post where someone said they pulled the processor out and put it back in and it recognized the 3rd stick of ram. Sure enough, I popped out the cpu and put it back in and the mobo recognized the 3rd stick (all sticks in the orange slots).

I don't consider myself an expert on any of this, but hopefully my post will save other people a lot of time. I'd love to hear if anyone has any theories as to why I had to jump through all the hoops. Just glad the new rig is working.