Networking: works behind router, not hub?


Feb 4, 2003
Yo all,

If I network a bunch of computers (4) with a wireless router with 4 wired ports (2 wireless, 2 wired), everything works just fine. shares are visible etc. Also i have a cable modelm on it. Now when I swap the router for a hub, networking is flakey, and only after i instal the IPX protocol, without that nothing works (except internet). The reason I want a hub is so that my computer has direct iNet access, so i can host a website, host games, connect to my pc remotely, ftp etc. without doing port forwarding (other computers need to use some of the same ports). I pay my ISP extra for 4 IP addresses, so internet access is not a problem in either scenario.

So how can I have at least 1 computer with direct access and file sharing working like it's supposed to (without resorting to the crappy IPX protocol)?
I thought maybe 1 comp, the calbe modem and the router (thru uplink) on a switch and the rest of the pc's behinid the router. Can I access shares on hose pc's with the one on the switch?

damn this networking stuff.
Well, I can give you some information. The cable modem only dishes out one IP address (unless you pay for more). That IP address is assigned to the first computer on the hub to request it. There's nothing else dishing out IP's when using a hub, so your other machines will pull 169.x addresses. That's two different IP ranges, so that prevents the computers from talking to each other. Don't try manually assigning IP's to the other machines using the same range that the cable modem gives you. It won't work.
Ah ok that makes sense. Also netoworking over hub is probably pretty vunerable to attack
pieter3d said:
Ah ok that makes sense. Also netoworking over hub is probably pretty vunerable to attack

Very much so. There is nothing stopping anyone from accessing your machines basically.
Not to menation that hubs have literally zero flow control. Which just wreaks havoc with broadcast storms and packet collisions. I had a simple hubbed network at my old apartment like 5 years ago and it was just gross. File sharing was hit/miss, and gaming was retardedly high ping-style.
the router has a built in DHCP host which assigns ip addresses to your computers... the hub doesn't... you can hook a hub up after a router though and it should work fine, that is what i am doing.