Network traffic simulator??


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 30, 2001
I am looking for a program that we can throw on a bunch of VM's and it will essentially create traffic. That's all we want. I don't care where they send traffic to, be it to each other, or some server on the network that I specify, but we just need something to simulate data transfer across the machines and the switches.

We have tried the max buffer ping and do that with 100 windows open but we end up maxing the VM's alloted resources before we approach anything more than 100mbps.

If it could simulate 100mbps+ is what we are really looking for, while using very little cpu and memory resources.

Do any programs like that exist? Ideally freeware if they are out there somewhere.
How about a few large files (GB+) and a batch script that copies them to and from network shares?
what OSes are on the VMs? If it's a *nix distro, you could easily write a script to max your network out. Or you may be able to find a java app that will run on anything.
Very spiffy indeed. I've gotten it running in client mode sending traffic to a server using 9 parallel threads, which max out the 100mbit.. thanks!!!!
Now I'll test it on the gigabit tomorrow.

Now if you only knew how to repeat the tests over and over until stopped, that would be awesome!
You can set a time limit in iperf. I'm not sure what the longest time you can set is but I know you can run it for at least 86400 seconds, which is a day. Just use -t 86400 or try a larger number. Or you make a quick batch file, maybe called test.bat

iperf -c

Then it'll run forever until you stop it.
For any interested here is my command to do exactly what I want.

First I setup a server to connect to:
C:\iperf.exe -s -D

This sets up the server to run as a daemon so I don't have to babysit it.

Then I go to the client(s) and run:
C:\iperf.exe -c x.x.x.x -P 4 -t 30

This runs a 30 second test using 4 parallel threads. This maxes out my gigabit connection, so 2 should be just fine for 100mbit tests.