network neighborhood issues on a LAN


Oct 15, 2002
I'm on a university LAN and I am trying to browse the network for shared files, etc.... When I go to Network Neighborhood in Windows XP Pro, if I click on View workgroup computers on the left side or if I double click on Microsoft Windows Network I get the following error message: Not enough storage to process this command. I know a couple of specific computer names that I can go to directly (Run: \\computername), and that works most of the time, but not always. That being said, the error message is unhelpful given that I have enough storage, hard drive (30+ gigs free) and system memory (512 MB) to process a simple windows task such as browsing a network.

Anyone ever run accross this? If so how do you solve the problem? If not, is this a problem with my computer or with the network? I'm leaning towards something else since my gf got the same message with her computer, and so did a friend of mine. Still, I thought I'd ask. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: fix errors
That's an NT 4 server error, and it means that something on the network server is misconfigured (there are a bunch of possibilities) or broken, it has nothing to do with your computer.

- Qualm
like Qualm said it is a server error, it could also mean that the dc server needs a reboot, because it is low/out of VM/real memmory.
Thanks for the replies. I tried talking to the help desk but they couldn't help me out either. I don't think that they are blocking that type of traffic, given that I can access a specific computer if I know its name. So if I wanted to browse the shared files on a computer named asus, I can do so by typing \\asus into the Run window. This works most of the time. What does not work is seeing the list of computers on the network. To add to the mystery, while I was at work in the computer lab yesterday I logged into my computer remotely and tried to go into network neighborhood, and it worked! I don't know if that was just a fluke, but I can tell you that right now as I'm sitting in my room it doesn't work, so I'll have to see tomorrow if it works again when I log in remotely. Anyway, I'm not really sure what to do at this point.... but thanks for your help. By the way I should mention that it wasn't always like this. This is my third year here, and as far as I know this did not happen in the previous two years. Maybe they changed some settings over the summer with all the virus attacks and such.
I picked up a work shift tonight, as such I can report that everything works as it should when I log into my box remotely from work. I really don't understand why it works remotely but not when I'm in my room.....