Network adblocking solutions


Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2010
I've been trying to find a solution for network adblocking but i've come up short after a lot of googling. At first it would seem that privoxy or squidguard are the way to go, but i've been unable to find any reliable way of converting adblock plus lists (easylist, fanboy's list) to either of these, all of the information available is outdated and broken. I'm also unaware of any lists outside of the adblock plus realm that are high quality and compatible with either of those. I'm OK with either a transparent or regular proxy solution. I currently run pfsense in a VM as my router, and it seems that untangle has adblocking built in. Is there a way to run untangle in another VM purely for adblocking? There must be some documentation out there on how to do this effectively. Any help is appreciated!
You can run Untangle in bridge mode in a VM. It doesn't have to be a router.
Well, you have to give it minimum 2 NICs or else the setup won't complete. When in bridge mode, it acts as an inline filter, one NIC in, one NIC out.