Netstat results, something isnt right??


Limp Gawd
Jun 25, 2004
We just purchased one of these devices at my company
and I was running some diagnostic tests due to poor data transfer...

I ran a netstat -s

Seeing the bolded stats below tells me there is a problem somewhere but I dont know where to look next , any thoughts? I'm having a problem determining whether or not this is NIC or Network related...

No errors anywhere else. Running Standard Server 2003 R2 with WSS

IPv4 Statistics

Packets Received = 5387784
Received Header Errors = 0
Received Address Errors = 5063833
Datagrams Forwarded = 0
Unknown Protocols Received = 0
Received Packets Discarded = 0
Received Packets Delivered = 323945
Output Requests = 153190
Routing Discards = 0
Discarded Output Packets = 0
Output Packet No Route = 0
Reassembly Required = 12
Reassembly Successful = 6
Reassembly Failures = 0
Datagrams Successfully Fragmented = 6
Datagrams Failing Fragmentation = 0
Fragments Created = 12

ICMPv4 Statistics

Received Sent
Messages 25713 25713
Errors 0 0
Destination Unreachable 0 0
Time Exceeded 0 0
Parameter Problems 0 0
Source Quenches 0 0
Redirects 0 0
Echos 24322 1391
Echo Replies 1391 24322
Timestamps 0 0
Timestamp Replies 0 0
Address Masks 0 0
Address Mask Replies 0 0

TCP Statistics for IPv4

Active Opens = 6065
Passive Opens = 14
Failed Connection Attempts = 23
Reset Connections = 77
Current Connections = 2
Segments Received = 132086
Segments Sent = 121200
Segments Retransmitted = 12

UDP Statistics for IPv4

Datagrams Received = 92729
No Ports = 75114
Receive Errors = 73111
Datagrams Sent = 6264