Netgear MR814 issues.


Jan 12, 2004
i have a problem with my router...every so often it decides to shut of all internet connection (two wireless and one obviously lan). my question is what the hell is it doing this for?? in order to get the internet connection back, i must reset the modem!! its a pain to do so almost everyday. i never had this issue before, i never lost my internet connection for no reason accept once or twice my cable provider said that they were having issues.

Anything i can do to stop this from occuring??!!
Why do you think this is a problem with the router?

You said that in order to get it back you reset your modem, so it doesnt sound like the router is the cause of the problems to me. If you want to be sure, set your modem up on one computer only without using the router. This will help you figure out if the problem is with the router or the modem.
A lot of people have this problem. A lot of people don't have this problem. The only thing i can think of is that it is less compatible with your ISP than some other routers. I'm not sure how that could work, but it's the only thing that comes to mind. Maybe contact your ISP and see if there is something that affects the router to do that. There are a lot of settings you can fiddle with: MTU size, other stuff, some more stuff. Obviously I'm no expert, but the only variable in these routers that I have seen is the ISP. Good luck and let us know if you fix it.
I have a Dlink 604+ router, a Netgear MR814 Router, and a linux IPchains router. Out of all those, I like the linux router the most. The DLink would decide to randomly reset every once in a whiel while I'm playing games and would make starcraft unplayable in terms of ping time and lag, the MR814 has horrible port setups and throughput. I've only been truely happy with the linux router....muhahaha linux power.....
well i dont want to switches routers here...also what does MTU mean?? and what does that control/do?

this constant resetting of the router is really pissing me off...can anyone give me some advice?!