Netflix on Xbox 360


Limp Gawd
May 3, 2007
Can anyone with this service tell me how the movie selection is for the xbox netflix streaming? only shows a few movies there so I'm not sure what the selection is like.

Also, how is the quality?
Quality is pretty decent, but most of the movies are older with a handful of kinda newer movies.
I watch TV shows mainly with their streaming service,
Here are a couple of screen shots of the neat interface on the Xbox,

if your 360 is connected via wireless, this is probably something you'll want to avoid. movies will rarely get the "HD" render, often times the resolution appears to be less than 480. the movie selection is meh at best.
the selection is pretty nice. You can find movies at netflix just by clicking the watch instantly tab. Hundreds at least.
Yup it is awesome, my trial just ended so I picked up the 8.99 package.

My only complaint is that you need a really good connection speed. I am estimating 10mb+ if you want to be able to maintain HD. I have 7d/1u cable and due to the inclement weather this past week and my ISP being a POS, I constantly lose my HD stream and get downgraded. Sometimes the quality is worse than youtube or hulu. Cant do anything though it seems. I called my ISP and they say "everything looks fine on our end" and they are the faster provider in the area... Gonna call them again and ask for tech to come out and check the line into the house. It snows and my internet goes from 7mb to 3... rwar...

I would definitely recommend setting up some QoS rules for this too if you are having trouble keeping the HD steams up. I am going to try that this weekend.

Other than that I love the service, the HD, and I hope that everything on Netflix becomes instantly watchable.
Selection is ok. You won't find many blockbuster movies but the TV show selection is great. My wife and I use ours primarily to watch older movies we missed, or to find the cheesiest straight to dvd movies we can so we avoid adding them to our mailed queue. .

Quality has been decent. We don't have the best dsl so our download speed is already limited, but at the very least in the last three weeks we've seen the connection speed change problems disappear.

For what we pay for our netflix package I'm thoroughly satisfied.
the only thing i hate is the buffering , if you want to fast forward but realize you went too far and need too rewind a bit i feel sorry. it takes at least 5 - 10 seconds longer than it should.
The neat thing about netflix streaming is that it's included in their regular DVD rental service. If the movie you really want to see isn't available streaming, you can always add it to your que and have it sent via mail.
the only thing i hate is the buffering , if you want to fast forward but realize you went too far and need too rewind a bit i feel sorry. it takes at least 5 - 10 seconds longer than it should.
That's going to be an issue with virtually any non-PC streaming solution. While they could theoretically buffer to the hard drive, they seem to be shooting for lowest-common-denominator set-top boxes with their technology (and when looked at that way, their method is actually pretty slick with the preview screens you see when moving around within a video)...It's actually a pretty smart business decision, making the service more accessible, though I agree it can be a bit annoying.
That's going to be an issue with virtually any non-PC streaming solution. While they could theoretically buffer to the hard drive, they seem to be shooting for lowest-common-denominator set-top boxes with their technology (and when looked at that way, their method is actually pretty slick with the preview screens you see when moving around within a video)...It's actually a pretty smart business decision, making the service more accessible, though I agree it can be a bit annoying.

well they could obviously have thier systems detect what your using to stream with and atleast give you the option to have a larger buffer space if you have the hd space. that doesnt mean it would gimp other set top box's only give an advantage to the ones with the specs.
I've used Netflix on the XBOX before through MCE this Netflix integration in the dashboard beats it hands down. The selection of instant movies (especially tv shows) has grown a lot in the last year. As far as playback I did have issues at first after the update but I ran/installed cat6 throughout the house and dumped the wireless adapter. Now I have no issues. I only wish there was an option to update/add to the queue
I only wish there was an option to update/add to the queue
Indeed. I suspect that in their next console, besides 1080p all the time, Microsoft will make a big deal about adding an internet browser. That seems like the biggest hole in the console, and it's somewhat confusing since Microsoft is in the browser business.
Well i signed up for the free trial and have to yet to order one movie to watch....for me the selection sucks.
Well i signed up for the free trial and have to yet to order one movie to watch....for me the selection sucks.

Really? I've watched all sorts of great movies in the last few week...
king of kong, word wars, super high me, logan's run, soylent green, the shining, a clockwork orange, about 5 clint eastwood westerns, dirty harry, the fifth element, hell even awesome bad movies like billy madison. Add in all the TV shows they have, that you can basically watch on demand, and the fact that it's free and unlimited, and I think there's a pretty kickass selection that adds to your regular netflix queue. And again, for zero cost.
well yeah but im not really interested in watching movies I have seen before so for me the selection isnt that great. I actually LIKE the Amazon service alot and since my pc is on my Plasma I find i use them alot.
do you need xbox live gold or can you use silver to stream?

is HD streaming available on the PC through the website?
well yeah but im not really interested in watching movies I have seen before so for me the selection isnt that great. I actually LIKE the Amazon service alot and since my pc is on my Plasma I find i use them alot.

The only issue with Amazon is the price, their regular prices are way too much IMO for the VOD stuff.
if your 360 is connected via wireless, this is probably something you'll want to avoid. movies will rarely get the "HD" render, often times the resolution appears to be less than 480. the movie selection is meh at best.
You may need to change the way you setup your wireless then, I run wireless strictly through my house and I get enough bandwidth for the HD content and it never has to rebuffer or downgrade. My internet is also fiber..
Netflix rules!
I have it on my TiVo box. Yeah this thread is about the 360 Netflix but so what! It's the same shit (have to add movies to your instant queue). lol
do you need xbox live gold or can you use silver to stream?

No, you cannot use the NetFlix feature with a Silver account. You need to have a Gold Live account.

is HD streaming available on the PC through the website?

I haven't checked in a while (not since well before the streaming came to the 360. The Xbox was the first device to do HD content, if I'm not mistaken, and I haven't heard anything about HD being available on the PC yet. Maybe it's available, but the only news I've seen was when it was announced HD content would be playable on some other NetFlix capable set-top boxes.
hm, maybe i will get that xbox live 13 month card.. but i dont play any games online..
or i should try a free trials first, does hd streaming look much better? bw requirements?
hm, maybe i will get that xbox live 13 month card.. but i dont play any games online..
or i should try a free trials first, does hd streaming look much better? bw requirements?
It looks noticeably better on my screen, but not so much that I'd pay extra for it. Of course, I'm fairly uncritical as long as the quality is at least that of, say, satellite TV. Personally, I think it's well worth the cost of XBL Gold and Netflix unless one is willing to hook up a PC to the TV.
well, i already ahve a HTPC hooked up - infact the xbox would be connected to the internet through the HTPC with internet sharing, but i wanted hi-def streaming, especially because I haven't gotten a BD-ROM or stand alone yet (still deciding and not sure if my onboard sound will be compatable with HDCP).

i love hi-def. $30 for 13 mo is pretty nice, and I plan to get the cheapest unlimited netflix plan and totally use the streaming part. will pc get hidef sometime??
I have found Netflix well worth it. There are 12,000 movies and shows to instantly stream, including some HD. I have a 5mb connection, and streaming of SD and HD has been flawless. Well worth it IMO, and great selections. Not to mention, I can rent DVDs with the service as well!
Very few new releases. Don't try to rewind or fast forward otherwise you'll be buffering for 5 min. Great selection of random movies and tv series (although no Xfiles, fuckers). Quality depends on the movie for me, I've seen really high and really bad. I think its worth the 10 bucks a month or whatever.
I've been using Netflix and I like it, but there isn't anything late breaking on the service. Really old stuff outside of TV shows but I don't feel like dedicating time to re-watch tv seasons. If you have LIVE and already have a subscription, go for it. If you have LIVE and were already interested in Netflix, check out their Watch Instantly selection first. Though I would NOT purchase LIVE just to get Netflix streaming. Not worth it at all.
I've been using Netflix and I like it, but there isn't anything late breaking on the service. Really old stuff outside of TV shows but I don't feel like dedicating time to re-watch tv seasons. If you have LIVE and already have a subscription, go for it. If you have LIVE and were already interested in Netflix, check out their Watch Instantly selection first. Though I would NOT purchase LIVE just to get Netflix streaming. Not worth it at all.

If this service cost extra money, I'd agree the selection isn't really great, but it's a free addition to what I'm already paying for and I can watch it unlimited amounts. There are updates and changes every day. The top 50 seems to change every day because of this. I just watched Walk Hard and Superbad, hardly old movies, and no country for old men.
If this service cost extra money, I'd agree the selection isn't really great, but it's a free addition to what I'm already paying for and I can watch it unlimited amounts. There are updates and changes every day. The top 50 seems to change every day because of this. I just watched Walk Hard and Superbad, hardly old movies, and no country for old men.

Definitely, if you are already paying for Netflix, as I was, and you pay for LIVE, as I do, then it is great. I just don't think it's worth it to drop money on LIVE, to take advantage of Netflix streaming especially if he doesn't play online and have no other need for LIVE.

I guess I can't say it's all that bad. I have 20+ movies in my instant queue :D I stick with HULU (on the PS3) for TV shows I missed and stuff. Damn. I guess I should just cancel cable and keep internet.
Definitely, if you are already paying for Netflix, as I was, and you pay for LIVE, as I do, then it is great. I just don't think it's worth it to drop money on LIVE, to take advantage of Netflix streaming especially if he doesn't play online and have no other need for LIVE.

I guess I can't say it's all that bad. I have 20+ movies in my instant queue :D I stick with HULU (on the PS3) for TV shows I missed and stuff. Damn. I guess I should just cancel cable and keep internet.

I know, I wonder how much longer I'll pay for cable. My 360/ps3/netflix/hulu/etc really give me what I want entertainment wise.
Definitely, if you are already paying for Netflix, as I was, and you pay for LIVE, as I do, then it is great. I just don't think it's worth it to drop money on LIVE, to take advantage of Netflix streaming especially if he doesn't play online and have no other need for LIVE.

I guess I can't say it's all that bad. I have 20+ movies in my instant queue :D I stick with HULU (on the PS3) for TV shows I missed and stuff. Damn. I guess I should just cancel cable and keep internet.

good points. I don't really care about new releases for online streaming, although tv shows would be nice. i would just like to knock some off of my to see list:

from what i've heard, netflix has the best and biggest library so i think ill go with them anyway. although i would love to sit on my ass and stream HD, i can deal
You just reminded me to add Burn After Reading to my Netflix queue. Nice collection there. Lots of very good, very old school movies.

Either way, Netflix is great IMO. Haven't been to a rental store in forever. I always have movies incoming. If they can't ship one for some reason, they ship your next movie in queue and then some random complimentary movie as well for free.