.NET; The Skinny


Aug 14, 2001
I'm running a win2k system and recently got a saphire 800. The drivers for this video card include .NET 1.1.

Windows Update definitely wants to install some .NET update on my computer. Tells me it's for my own security.

I've generally avoided the .NET stuff because it seems to involve backdooring myself for MS's (and any scumbag webstire operator's) convenience.

But I'm not sure.

I'm frankly not sure whether I've already installed it. Tips on how to check for that would be cool.

What I'd like to know, though, would be basically what .NET does, how secure it actually is, whether it should be installed or avoided like the plague.
.NET is a framework for "managed" code and a shitload of other marketing buzzwords. Once Vista is mainstream, and since it supposedly has .NET as an integral part of the OS, more apps will use it, probably. MFC and relatives' deathknell in all likelihood.