Needs help Sharing Files


Limp Gawd
Feb 3, 2002
Hi, I need a little help sharing files from 2 computers at work, one computer is on a
domain, and the other isn't on the domain, and I need to share files back and forth, the 2
computers are directly on my dsk and I use a KVM switch to go to one computer to the
other, and obviously I can't copy and paste, but I need some way of transferring files
between the 2 computers, the ip adress I have for the 2 computer are as follows:


The front two digits are the same, but I don't wan't to give out that information.

can someone please give me some help and options so I can sare the files, Thanks. :p
They both do have internet access, but no there is no way to get them on the same
domain, the dumb IT department won't do a thing, so I have to find a way to share
the files on my own, other then emailing them to myself, but thatnks for the
Beast321 said:
They both do have internet access, but no there is no way to get them on the same
domain, the dumb IT department won't do a thing, so I have to find a way to share
the files on my own, other then emailing them to myself, but thatnks for the

ok, can you maybe setup an FTP server on one of them and then connect to that FTP server from the other one to get the files?
Try to share a folder on Computer A, then goto computer B and do Start -> Run -> "\\***.133.15.73\sharename" without the quotes, where sharename is the name you gave to the shared folder.

What OS's are on those computers? XP/2k/98?
The FTP Server sounds like not a bad idea, I will look into that, but It is a lot of
work to setup a FTP Server, but that may be the only option.
FTP servers are surprisingly easy to setup. Once you figure it out, at least. Windows XP even has one built in :)
are they both on public ips? ftp would be a bad idea if so.....file sharing would be for that matter. Guess it depends on whether the data on the mchines is important.
oakfan52 said:
are they both on public ips? ftp would be a bad idea if so.....

why do you say that? Bulletproof ftp server + a password only ftp server is pretty secure...
Well I tried shareing of the name thing, but that just didn't work, but I think may
have a good Idea, I am going to setup msn messanger on both PC's, and then I can
send websites and small files from one PC to another, just the messenger's would have to
be under diferrent accounts, I'll give that a try, as I am a little relunctunt to install a ftp
server on my work pc, and I may get in trouble for doing that as well. but I do use MSN
messenger for my work anyway, so I can simply install messenger on the other PC, and
switch back and forth from one tower to the other. I'll give it a try, and post a reply on how
it works
OK, I think after testing a few things that MSN Messanger is going to be the esiest
way of sending messages and files from one pc to the other, thanks for your
help and suggestions.