Need help with Nvidia card choice, unsure

May 1, 2006
OK, i havent used an nvidia card in probably 5 years. Right now im using a Radeon x1900xt, x2 4400+, and i game at 1920 x 1200. Now I want to upgrade to an Nvidia card, as it seems they have the best performance right now, and the game i mainly play, City of Heroes, HATES ATI cards, and gives you alot of graphical bugs. So, Im not even sure what is good and what I should be looking at. I read alot of threads and i see the 8800 GT and GTS, are these good cards for my rig? I will be upgrading the proc sometime in the spring as well, so before everyone says to upgrade that as well, i know it is something that needs to be done. Thanks!
IMO, if you game at 1920x1200, get a GTX. They can be had in the F/S forums for ~$350 if you keep your eyes peeled. Or, there is the brand new XFX GTX at newegg for 4-bills after rebate.

The G92 GT and GTS are good cards. But, they start to bog when you get into high res and then start adding in high quality AF and/or AA. 256-bit memory bus is the real culprit there.

Coming from x1900, you'll notice quite a jump in performance. I'm not a big proponent of waiting for the latest tech to finally get here. But, you should at least consider waiting. On the near horizon, it looks like we'll see somewhat of a mix up with the 9800GX2 and the 9800GTX. Both of those cards are suspected not to be revolutionary. The most significance they will hold is what they do to the prices of other cards around the market. The real new tech wont be here until well into the summer.