need help using two networks on one computer

May 30, 2002
Without a lot of background to explain things this might sound a little wierd but let's just take everything at face value unless there's something that really does need cleared up.

Basically here's what I have, my computer is hooked up to my internet connection via a Linksys WRT54GS, I also have a Belkin 802.11g wireless adapter that I use to hook into another network where I share files and printers and such. The problem is, in order for my computer to SEE the stuff on the secondary network I have to physically unhook my computer from my router because as long as I am hooked to MY router I can't access anything having to do with the OTHER router.

Is there such a way that I can set things up so that my computer only uses MY router for internet access and the other one for file/print sharing? Is there a way to set the computer up to use two different networks simultaneously? I've been unable to get those results on my own so I figured I'd ask here.

BTW I'm running WinXP but I'm not sure what other information you might need so ask away if that's not enough.
Well, make sure the two are configured to be on different subnets, and statically configured the file sharing one and leave out the default gateway.
Ok the two networks are configured as



Problem is once I connect to the wireless my wired dies. No internet no nothing which defeats my whole purpose...if I wanted to disconnect from my internet connection everytime I wanted to access the file/print shares I'd unplug my cat5. I need a way to have them both hooked up so that my wired network provides internet ONLY and the wireless is used for network shares ONLY.

The other problem right now is that when I connect to my wireless network and my wired amount of work will bring it back to life outside of a reboot. I am completely unable to get my internet working after I've connected to the wireless once. Disconnecting doesn't work and neither does anything else I can think of.
They are both in the same subnet technically. Make one of the networks, and the other, and then it will work.
Sorry I'm going to sound really stupid I'm sure but what's the /24?

I know I can change the IP on my wired router to easily enough I just don't really know what the /24 means

I'm an idiot's where we stand now Wired Wireless

I'm now connected to my wired and getting internet access just fine, and my computer shows the wireless to be connected as well...the problem is I'm still completely unable to access my shares which puts me at the same place I started at. What I need is to be able to access my internet AND access my shares simultaneously without having to unplug a cable...anyone know why I'm not getting to do that currently?
First off, /24 means the subnet is

As far as accessing your shares, how are you trying to do this? You will need to access it from start->run via \\192.168.1.x\sharename, as browsing the network will not work.
I'm using the \\ method for trying to browse the network shares, and both of the routers are set to as far as the subnet mask. For whatever reason it still won't work at all. I wish I had more time to mess with it but I have to go to work so I'll check back tonight when I get off and see if there's any ideas.
Well as it turns out I was going off information from before I reformatted this machine and rebuilt my OS from the ground up...NOW I can't seem to get access to the secondary network at all which explains why the advice you guys gave me wasn't working. Now I have to figure out what's wrong with that connection and go back and start over on the other stuff.