Need help using router as repeater/bridge/thingthatconnecttoanexistingnetwork


Sep 2, 2005
So I am trying to set up a bridge/repeater as per awesome diagram. First off, is this a repeater network? wireless bridge?


The netgear router has a nifty option to set it in repeater mode, but the linksys has issues being connected directly to the modem. So I am now trying to make the linksys router connect to the netgear network and have it connect to the videophone. I did some googling and all I got was recommendations to flash in a 3rd party firmware, and the instructions of just doing that is almost 10k words. Also, if possible it would be nice for it to also rebroadcast the wifi network, but the main goal is to give the videophone internet access. Is this possible?
It all depends on whether or not the stock linksys firmware in that unit will allow you to connect it to another wireless device as a bridge or repeater.

if it doesn't, then you have no choice but to flash it to a 3rd party firmware.
A repeater will re-broadcast all traffic to all the devices on the network, and after having more and more devices will bog down the network.
A straight-up bridge will "filter" traffic to the device it needs to go to - cutting down on bandwidth use.

It's just like the difference between a switch and a hub.

Like Eockst said....if the options not in the stock firmware, you'll need to use DDWRT, Tomato, or similar firmware.