Need help uncapping through a router

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Limp Gawd
Aug 16, 2004
Ok here is where I'm at.
I can easily uncap my cable modem whenever I need to, but only when I am connected directly to the modem.
I tried this, uncapping the modem, disconnecting my computer from the modem and connecting it to the router, then connecting the router to the modem. When I do this, my network works fine, but the WAN port of the router never sees then modem (this happens whether it's uncapped or not btw). If I power cycle the modem, everything works fine, but it's uncapped of course.
I want to be able to uncap the modem through the router. I'm sure it's possible, but I just don't know enough about the gateways and this and that to do it. Anyone done this before, or know how to do it?
I assume, of course, you have permission from your cable company to do this?

Damn nice of them. Mind sharing who they are, so I can sign up with them?
Keetha said:
Ok here is where I'm at.
I can easily uncap my cable modem whenever I need to, but only when I am connected directly to the modem.
I tried this, uncapping the modem, disconnecting my computer from the modem and connecting it to the router, then connecting the router to the modem. When I do this, my network works fine, but the WAN port of the router never sees then modem (this happens whether it's uncapped or not btw). If I power cycle the modem, everything works fine, but it's uncapped of course.
I want to be able to uncap the modem through the router. I'm sure it's possible, but I just don't know enough about the gateways and this and that to do it. Anyone done this before, or know how to do it?

yeah umm..uncapping your modem is very illegal. VERY ILLEGAL!
Believe it or not, this is mostly for my own education. I am starting my second year of college in two weeks, I'm going for IST with all my options in networking/security. It's pretty cool stuff. Anyways, I did read the entire ToS agreement or whatever it's called. It was very detailed and specifically excluded many things. In no way did it condemn, expressly or even through inference (Is that right? I know there is a word for it), uncapping. In my opinion, it seemed the writer "allowed" it to be done, within reasonable limits. But then again maybe I'm just crazy. And I don't plan on doing anything Illegal, I just want to do it. Not that I will gain any benifit from it. Maybe I will uncap it, and just lower the values :p. Then if I get "caught" and it was bad, I don't think they'll care :). But yeah, can anyone help me?
Keetha said:
But yeah, can anyone help me?


Better call your ISP and ask them about it before you try. Uncapping a modem is certainly against your ISP's TOS since your essentially *stealing* more bandwidth and not paying for it.

Your attempting to circumvent network restrictions by your ISP and that is certainly not allowed to be discussed here. :p
Well, we'd help you... but the problem is that you might be in our neighborhood so you could be stealing our bandwidth :D
do an ipconfig /release while it is still plugged into your machine and THEN plug it into the modem... no idea if this will work but it's worth a shot...


P.S. This is if course if you are allowed to do this ;)
If you want more bandwidth, ask for it. If you ask and their response is a how-to for popping the router/modem then so be it, but I can almost guarantee you that won't be the case.

Long story short, read the FAQ.
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