need help setting up VPN on cisco 870

Dec 12, 2004
I have 870 series router and I know most of the basic and setting this router up for internet connection and port forwarding. I use the command line interface or the ISO. My level is CCNA.

Here is the deal, My router supports VPN server and client. I want to be able to turn my router in to a vpn server with a password so I can login from work and then use the internet from my home. I also want it to be secure. I think it uses some type of tunneling protocol. BTW interface fastethernet4 is the one that I connect to the internet via Cox cable with DHCP. Yea i know how to setup VPN on windows computer. Can someone please give me instructions line by line. :p
The 870 series supports a web interface. Enable it and look through the settings there. From what I remember it was pretty easy to setup on the 871 I did it on last time.